On Tuesday, January 22, 2013 1:23:37 PM UTC-5, John Clark wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Craig Weinberg 
> <whats...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
> >> The astronomer Giordano Bruno would not have been surprised to hear 
>>> that the invention of science was a fight against theology, he was burned 
>>> alive by the church for suggesting that the bright points of light you see 
>>> in the night sky were other suns very very far away. 
>> >The Catholic Church of the 16th century is no more representative of 
>> Theology
> In Europe in 1600 the Catholic Church was not representative of theology 
> it virtually was theology; competing franchises like Judaism and Islam were 
> just rounding errors, and they were just as dumb anyway.   

Then by that logic, the practice of bloodletting should represent Medicine, 
and witch burning should represent Justice.

> >than ethnic cleansing is representative of Darwin. 
> Huh?  Charles Darwin and ethnic cleansing, it does not compute.

It did for many people. 

I would be curious, if eugenics were a new idea today, how you would 
receive it?

> >> Explaining how complexity came about from simplicity is much better 
>>> than saying complexity came about from even more complexity. 
>> > Religion does the same thing. 
> Bullshit.

I take it as a given that you will think anything that I say is bullshit, 
the question is what should make me care one way or another?

> > The Tower of Babel. Noah's Ark. Genesis. Complexity emerges from 
>> simplicity
> God is not simple, although very often the believers in God are.  

Neither is quantum mechanics, but that isn't my example. The Tower of Babel 
is an account of how the diversity of languages came from a single united 
source. Genesis also - simple - first with the light, then with the 
dividing the waters and whatnot... continue until the mixture reaches 
'complexity'. It works the same way in religion as it works in science, 
except that science formulates its models from the outside in.

>> > Ron Popeil is not a theologian. 
> True, Ron Popeil is much more moral than theologians because the stuff he 
> sells on TV actually exists.

Still, televangelism is not representative of theology as a whole.

> >> What would lead to unemployment is if the LHC discovers nothing 
>>> mysterious that contradicts what we think we know. 
>> > Not really.
> Yes really.

"Oh you were a team lead on the LHC project which was enormously successful 
at validating the Standard Model? Sorry, we're not interested in hiring or 
funding any of those people. Do you know anyone who worked for that project 
that we can't tell if it was competently executed or not, because we are 
interested in contradicting what we think we know."

> > Validating the standard model is just as profitable as mystery.
> Bullshit. Everybody knows that the standard model is very very good but 
> they also know it can't be the end of the story because it says nothing 
> about gravity or Dark Matter or Dark Energy nor can it explain why 
> neutrinos have mass. And everybody knows that unlike telescopes that have 
> found a lot of surprising stuff in fundamental physics, particle 
> accelerators have not discovered anything surprising in almost 40 years 
> (finding the Higgs was not surprising, not discovering it would have been 
> surprising and that's why many hoped it didn't exist but they were 
> disappointed), and if the LHC doesn't find anything new either it could be 
> the last of these very expensive machines for a century.

Of course they won't keep recreating the same laboratory over and over 
again, but that doesn't mean that the researchers won't be well rewarded 
with future opportunities.


>  John K Clark

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