Hi Platonist Guitar Cowboy 

Nothing human is off-topic to me.
Which suggests that materialism and brain science are off-topic.
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Platonist Guitar Cowboy 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2013-01-31, 11:29:36
Subject: Re: [Metadiscussion] Off topic posting on the everything-list

Now that the long time users have spoken, I feel the noobs should be 
represented as well, so my two virtual cents:

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 31 Jan 2013, at 11:05, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:46 PM, Kim Jones <kimjo...@ozemail.com.au> wrote:

I'm getting a bit jack of this term "metadiscussion" becuse it only ever gets 
applied to what other people are choosing to discuss. People talk about what 
people want to talk about. It's about taste, perception, preference and 
prejudice. Even WITH rigidly adhered-to rules and conventions, this still 
applies. The challenge is to take WHATEVER is spoken about and MAKE that 
relevant somehow (to whatever you want to make it relevant to). That's harder, 
more interesting and dare I say it - more relevant a process than simply 
corralling all thinking under one topic or heading.

Yup. I mean, do people really want posting to be restricted, in terms of 
relevance, to journal articles (relating btw to a somewhat fuzzy and 
controversial notion of TOE) with high impact factor? I wonder how people sort 
out the relevance issue in view of the halting problem. How do we know if this 
computation or question will take up more weight in say the Ensemble TOE frame 
as time goes by? How can you rule out that it might be an oracle, if you don't 
give it any chance?

It is understandable that certain discussions don't interest people: but this 
doesn't prevent you from deleting and or blocking posts from certain authors to 
reach your inbox. I press delete everyday. Takes 10 seconds. 
As soon as you start to set up rules, conventions and expectations the 
population divides into those who feel that it is to their advantage to play by 
the "rules" and those who believe that this is a constraint. This list is 
remarkably troll-free. For that very reason I see no need to restrict what is 
spoken of. The ensemble theories of everything probably won't come from the 
brains of those who are exclusively obsessed by these things anyway since by 
now their perception is circular and their belief supports their belief. You 
need random thinkers, people who will break the local equilibrium and who will 
introduce the creative concept of "idea movement" from time to time.

I agree, but a dose of civility and humility makes that freedom more palatable, 
even though it's messy by default.
I like the idea of a moderator-free list, but nonetheless I agree with
Russell. The list was set up with a particular purpose in mind but in
the last few months the range of discussion topics has changed
radically. The Internet is large and there are plenty of other forums
in which to discuss politics and religion. Could we return to the old
list please?

Really? Sounds like: "Please let's return to the good old days, when there were 
only smart people, with proper scientific training, that posted with restraint 
and wigs." If you want people to just parrot what you expect, what falls into 
"the range of discussion topics possible", then why use the internet at all? 
Might as well set up a camp and force people to answer how we would like them 
to... this is taken to absurd extremes: my point is not anti-elitist, more that 
it shouldn't matter. Let people make up their own minds, and if somebody wants 
to spam the list with whatever brain droppings just pop up: ignore or delete.

One could implement a weak "what people found relevant" filter: if a message 
gets ignored, then it is automatically deleted after some time. Everybody's 
restraint would help clean up the list and people that get no replies get the 
implicit, non face threatening message to stay relevant to the group's focus, 
rather than exclusively a fuzzy ideal. Also, whatever posting guidelines are 
adopted, the freedom of the list should headline it along with the group 
responsibility to keep something messy clean for people searching the list.
I agree. Religion might be discussed but only if it put a specific light on the 
"ensemble" or "everything" type of TOE research, not on actual problems like 
gun control which can be debated on better suited forum.

Is there a forum that tries to frame gun control as "universally chaotic" as 
here, with this kind of variety of characters and types? Because then we would 
also have to keep quiet on prohibition, an "actual problem", which turns out to 
be woven into beliefs and complex histories, that in turn bleed into conception 
of science and assumptions concerning Ensemble TOE's.
May be people could also try to make less posts, more acute on their points, to 
help the mailing boxes to not explode!

Sure. Restraint and good faith are good partners of freedom. 

Free forums resemble chaos/harmony in musical improvisation: we all know that 
less experienced players so excited by the novel attention their improvisations 
receive, tend to overplay. This can last some time, but eventually they take 
the environment more for granted and realize "Whoa, I'm occupying center stage 
and stealing the limelight from the more experienced players... I'm jabbering. 
In Public. Much too much! Gosh, do I feel naked, my vanity for attention 
drenching the whole stage for months!" Usually they start to underplay then, go 
all minimalist, until they balance out and start finding their voice. Once, we 
had a singer who didn't seem to get it all... kept overstepping, extending 
solos, and overplaying and never stopped... until our band leader at the time 
gave him a recording of one of the shows. He apologized to all of us.

Therefore, excessive authoritative arguments, posting, and preaching should be 
called out honestly and with a bit of class instead of toilet humor or other 
authoritative means, even if they can't be unambiguously defined. And when 
things turn into slinging ideological mud of personal nature all over the 
place; you still have that magical "delete" button and can make your Inbox 
"look like the good old days"; if you clean house regularly.

If not, then censoring this list or pushing for relevance won't help much 



Stathis Papaioannou

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