Euler's Equation Crackpottery
Feb 18 2013 Published by MarkCC under Bad Math, Bad Physics

One of my twitter followers sent me an interesting piece of
 I debated whether to do anything with it. The thing about
 is that it really needs to have some content.
Total incoherence isn't amusing. This bit is, frankly, right on the
Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
a) Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of Leonardo
da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
‘It is God’s equation’, ‘our jewel ‘, ‘ It is a mathematical icon’.
. . . . etc.
b) Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
"it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
and we don't know what it means, . . . . .’
‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
using physics.‘
‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
physics ?’
My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
To give the answer to this. question I need to bind Euler's equation
 with an object – particle. Can it be math- point or string- particle
or triangle-particle? No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which
says me that the particle must be only a circle .
Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
 therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
 These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
movement is its own inner impulse (h) or (h*=h/2pi).
a) Using its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
 ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
 We call such particle - ‘photon’.
>From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally
. From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
 In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no
b) Using its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle rotates around its axis.
 In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
 ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is : c.
1. We call such particle - ‘ electron’ and its energy is: E=h*f.
In this way I can understand the reality of nature.
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus.

Euler's equation says that . It's an amazingly profound equation.
The way that it draws together fundamental concepts is beautiful
and surprising.
But it's not nearly as mysterious as our loonie-toon makes it out to
The natural logarithm-base is deeply embedded in the structure of
numbers, and we've known that, and we've known how it works
 for a long time.
What Euler did was show the relationship between e and the
 fundamental rotation group of the complex numbers.
 There are a couple of ways of restating the definition of that
 make the meaning of that relationship clearer.
For example:

That's an alternative definition of what e is. If we use that, and we
 plug  into it, we get:

If you work out that limit, it's -1. Also, if you take values of N,
 and plot , , , and , ... on the complex plane, as N gets larger,
 the resulting curve gets closer and closer to a semicircle.
An equivalent way of seeing it is that exponents of  are rotations
 in the complex number plane. The reason that  is because if you take
 the complex number (1 + 0i), and rotate it by  radians, you get -1: .
That's what Euler's equation means.
 It's amazing and beautiful, but it's not all that difficult to
It's not mysterious in the sense that our crackpot friend thinks it
But what really sets me off is the idea that it must have some
meaning in physics. That's silly.
It doesn't matter what the physical laws of the universe are:
the values of  and e will not change.
 It's like trying to say that there must be something special about
our universe that makes 1 + 1 = 2 - or, conversely, that the fact
1+1=2 means something special about the universe we live in
. These things are facts of numbers, which are independent
of physical reality. Create a universe with different values for all
of the fundamental constants - e and π will be exactly the same.
 Create a universe with less matter - e and π will still be the same.
Create a universe with no matter, a universe with different kinds
 of matter, a universe with 300 forces instead of the four that
 we see - and e and π won't change.
What things like e and π, and their relationship via Euler's equation
 tell us is that there's a fundamental relationship between numbers
and shapes on a two-dimensional plane which does not and cannot
 really exist in the world we live in.
Beyond that, what he's saying is utter rubbish.
 For example:
These two theories say  me that the reason of circle – particle’s
 movement is its own inner impulse (h) or (h*=h/2pi).
Using its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves ( as a wheel)
in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
 We call such particle - ‘photon’.
>From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
>From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
 In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no

This is utterly meaningless.
 It's a jumble of words that pretends to be meaningful and
when in fact it's just a string of syllables strung together
nonsensical ways.
There's a lot that we know about how photons behave.
 There's also a lot that we don't know about photons.
This word salad tells us exactly nothing about photons.
 In the classic phrase, it's not even wrong: what it says doesn't have
 enough meaning to be wrong. What is the "inner impulse"
 of a photon according to this crackpot?
We can't know: the term isn't defined.
We are pretty certain that a photon is not a wheel rolling along.
Is that what the crank is saying? We can't be sure.
 And that's the problem with this kind of crankery.
As I always say: the very worst math is no math.
This is a perfect example.
He starts with a beautiful mathematical fact.
 He uses it to jump to a completely non-mathematical conclusion.
But he writes a couple of mathematical symbols,
 to pretend that he's using math.


On Feb 14, 8:48 am, "" <>
>      Euler's Equation and the Reality of Nature.
> =.
> Mr. Dexter Sinister  wrote:
> ‘ I understand Euler's Identity,
> and I know what it means, and I know how to prove it,
> there's nothing particularly mystical about it,
> it just demonstrates that exponential, trigonometric,
> and complex functions are related.
>  Given what we know of mathematics it shouldn't surprise
>  anyone that its various bits are connected.
>  It would be much more surprising if they weren't, that would
>  almost certainly mean something was badly wrong somewhere.’
>     Mr. Gary wrote:
> Mathematics is NOT science.
>  Science is knowledge of the REAL world.
> Mathematics is an invention of the mind.
>  Many aspects of mathematics have found application
>  in the real world, but there is no guarantee.
> Any correlation must meet the ultimate test:
> does it explain something about the real world?
> As an electrical engineer I used the generalized
> Euler's equation all the time in circuit analysis:
> exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta).
> So it works at that particular level in electricity.
> Does it work at other levels, too?
> Logic cannot prove it.
> It must be determined by experiment, not by philosophizing.
> ====..
> Thinking about theirs posts I wrote brief article:
>        Euler's Equation and Reality.
> =.
> a)
>  Euler's Equation as a mathematical reality.
> Euler's identity is "the gold standard for mathematical beauty'.
> Euler's identity is "the most famous formula in all mathematics".
> ‘ . . . this equation is the mathematical analogue of  Leonardo
> da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting or Michelangelo’s statue of David’
> ‘It  is God’s equation.’, ‘ It is a mathematical icon.’
>  . . . .  etc.
> b)
> Euler's Equation as a physical reality.
> "it is absolutely paradoxical; we cannot understand it,
>  and we don't know what it means, .  . . . .’
> ‘ Euler's Equation reaches down into the very depths of existence’
> ‘ Is Euler's Equation about fundamental matters?’
> ‘It would be nice to understand Euler's Identity as a physical process
>  using physics.‘
> ‘ Is it possible to unite Euler's Identity with physics, quantum
> physics ?’
> ==.
> My aim is to understand the reality of nature.
> Can Euler's equation explain me something about reality?
> To give the answer to this question I need to bind
> Euler's equation with an object - particle.
> Can it  be math- point or string- particle or triangle-particle?
> No, Euler's formula has quantity (pi) which says me that
> the particle must be only a circle .
> Now I want to understand the behavior of circle - particle and
> therefore I need to use spatial relativity and quantum theories.
> These two theories say me that the reason of circle – particle’s
>  movement  is its own inner impulse (h) or  (h*=h/2pi).
> a)
>  Using  its own inner impulse (h) circle - particle moves
> ( as a wheel) in a straight line with constant speed c = 1.
>  We call such particle - ‘photon’.
> From Earth – gravity point of view this speed is maximally.
> From Vacuum point of view this speed is minimally.
> In this movement quantum of light behave as a corpuscular (no charge).
> b)
>  Using  its own inner impulse / intrinsic angular momentum
> ( h* = h / 2pi ) circle - particle  rotates around its axis.
>   In such movement particle has charge, produce electric waves
>  ( waves property of particle) and its speed ( frequency) is :  c>1.
>  We call such particle - ‘ electron’  and its  energy is:  E=h*f.
> In this way I (as a peasant ) can understand the reality of nature.
> ==.
> I reread my post.
> My God, that is a naïve peasant's explanation.
> It is absolutely not scientific, not professor's explanation.
> Would a learned man adopt such simple and naive explanation?
> Hmm,  . . .   problem.
> In any way, even Mr. Dexter Sinister  and Mr. Gary
> wouldn't agree with me, I want to say them
>  ' Thank you for emails and cooperation’
> =.
> Best wishes.
> Israel Sadovnik  Socratus.
> =.
>  P.S.
> ' They would play a greater and greater role in mathematics –
> and then, with the advent of quantum mechanics in the twentieth
> century, in physics and engineering and any field that deals with
> cyclical phenomena such as waves that can be represented by
> complex numbers. For a complex number allows you to represent
>  two processes such as phase and wavelenght simultaneously –
> and a complex exponential allows you to map a straight line
> onto a circle in a complex plane.'
>    /   Book:  The great equations.  Chapter four.
> The gold standard for mathematical beauty.
> Euler’s equation.   Page 104. /
> #
> Euler's e-iPi+1=0 is an amazing equation, not in-and-of itself,
>  but because it sharply points to our utter ignorance of the
>  simplest mathematical and scientific fundamentals.
> The equation means that in flat Euclidean space, e and Pi happen
>  to have their particular values to satisfy any equation that relates
>  their mathematical constructs. In curved space, e and Pi vary.
>    / Rasulkhozha S. Sharafiddinov . /
> ===============…

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