On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 5:44:23 PM UTC, John Clark wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 , Craig Weinberg <whats...@gmail.com <javascript:>>wrote:
>  >>> We can write books and other people can read them, so that must prove 
>>>> that consciousness is not caused by neurochemistry.
>>> >> What the hell???
>> > Books aren't neurological, right? 
> Right, but they are certainly material.
> > There is no direct link between the author's brain and the reader's 
>> brain. 
> There is never a "direct link" between one mind and another, there is 
> always a material middle man, usually many, such as photons reflected off 
> paper in a book, or air vibrations from vocal cords, or in chemical changes 
> in the nerves of fingers, or whatever.
> > Just like the light switch
> There is not a "direct link" between the light switch and the light going 
> on either, the closing of the light switch just caused a current to flow in 
> the wire, the current flow didn't cause the light either it just caused the 
> filament in the light bulb to get hot, it was the hot electrons in the 
> filament that caused the electromagnetic waves to be produced. 

I think explanations are important to prove causation ;-) and it's 
interesting that you can break this example down. Each explanatory step is 
materially plausible (it has a satisfactory public explanation), right up 
to the perception of the light. But the qualia (qualium?) itself doesn't 
have a public description, and there isn't any sense of satisfaction that 
it has been explained. It's tempting to believe that's because it's a 
complicated step, but there seems no obvious way to reduce it. So as far as 
I can see it is still only an assumption, with the hope/faith that some 
plausible explanation will one day be found. I'm not sure there are many 
other widely-held scientific explanations like this one?

> > you remove any connection between neurons, yet the words of one brain 
>> (or brain activity ostensibly associated with the words) are still 
>> transmitted from one to the other.
> When you write books I don't always read them AND if I don't read your 
> book your book still exists, so I can say with great confidence that my 
> reading of your books does not cause your books to exist.
>   John K Clark

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