
 *"...I don't think consciousness is an all-or-nothing property.."*

In that unnerving struggle of 2 decades to 'generalize' (some of) those
zillion positions the diverse authors exuded about Ccness (to fit THEIR own
theories - whatever they thought it was) I concluded that what most people
have in mind for Ccness is a  - *P R O C E S S - *.
This is why I ended up with *RESPONSE *in my identification.
Not "property". Not "a thing". Not "a quale".
So I don't go with your question: 'Ccness of what?' "about" maybe. I accept
your position as SUCH, especially if you restrict your image to "human-like
The anthropocentric view is a cut-out and a specialty.
The term Ccness - IMO - is an artifact to speak about. If I follow the
'response to relations' explanation, the word would be rather 'existence',
'infinite complexity', maybe: 'life' or even 'totality' (The World
Entirety) - in a fashion whatever we have in our own mini-solipsism about
the world we live in.
Or: I put down my weapons and stop using it at all, accepting YOUR (or
others') version of a human (animal?) treat based on awareness etc. as used
in tons of literature.
As I said many times: I am agnostic, not a fighter.
John M

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 7:53 PM, meekerdb <> wrote:

>  On 5/27/2013 2:18 PM, John Mikes wrote:
> Bruno:
> do you indeed exclude the "other" animals from being selfconcious? or -
> having a logic on their own level? Or any other trait we assign (identify?)
> for humans - in our terms?
>  A question about plants (rather: about being conscious):
> you may feel free to define 'being conscious' in human terms,  or mammal
> (etc.) terms, but the "response" plants exude to information
> (circumstances, impact. etc.) shows reactivity we may appropriate to us
> humans.
>  So do not deny consciousness from fellow DNA-bearing plants.
>  How about the DNA-not-bearing other creatures? (crystals, stones, water,
> impact you may call energy, - whatever?)
> Anthropocentric? zoocentric? phitocentric? what-CENTRIC?
> I don't think consciousness is an all-or-nothing property.  You have to
> ask "Consciousness of what?"  There's consciousness of surroundings: sound,
> photons, temperature, chemical concentrations....  There's consciousness of
> internal states.  Consciousness of sex.  Consciousness of one's location.
> Consciousness of one's status in a tribe.  I think human-like consciousness
> requires language of some kind.
> Brent
>  JM
> On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
>> On 26 May 2013, at 13:29, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
>>  "The absence of a neocortex does not appear to preclude an organism from
>>> experiencing affective states. Convergent evidence indicates that non-human
>>> animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological
>>> substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit
>>> intentional behaviors.  Consequently, the weight of evidence indicates that
>>> humans are not unique in possessing the neurological substrates that
>>> generate consciousness. Non-human animals, including all mammals and birds,
>>> and many other creatures, including octopuses, also possess these
>>> neurological substrates."
>>  Always a pleasure, if not some relief, to hear that.
>> My opinion, for what is worth, is that all animals are conscious, and the
>> one described above are already self-conscious, and "potentially Löbian"
>> (meaning: like you, me, and Peano Arithmetic).
>> Are plants conscious? I don't know.
>> Bruno
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