On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 4:56:45 PM UTC-4, Platonist Guitar Cowboy 
> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Craig Weinberg <whats...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 11:18:03 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 09 Oct 2013, at 15:43, Craig Weinberg wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 3:18:52 AM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>> On 08 Oct 2013, at 20:12, Craig Weinberg wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, October 8, 2013 12:34:57 PM UTC-4, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>>> On 08 Oct 2013, at 17:59, Craig Weinberg wrote:
>>>>> Why isn't computationalism the consequence of quanta though? 
>>>>> Human computationalism does.
>>>>> But I want the simplest conceptual theory, and integers are easier to 
>>>>> define than human integers.
>>>> I'm not sure how that relates to computationalism being something other 
>>>> than quanta. Humans are easier to define to themselves than integers. A 
>>>> baby can be themselves for years before counting to 10. 
>>>> Phenomenologically? Yes.
>>>> Fundamentally? That does not follow. It took a long time before 
>>>> discovering the Higgs-Englert-Brout Boson.
>>> It doesn't have to follow, but it can be a clue. The Higgs is a 
>>> particular type of elementary phenomenon which is not accessible to us 
>>> directly. That would not be the case with Comp if we were in fact using 
>>> only computation. If our world was composed on every level by computation 
>>> alone,
>>> Hmm.... It is not obvious, and not well known, but if comp is true, then 
>>> "our world" is not "made of" computations. 
>>> Our world is "only" an appearance in a multi-user arithmetical video 
>>> game or dream. 
>> That's the problem though, what is an "appearance"? How can an arithmetic 
>> game become video or dreamlike in any way? This is what I keep talking 
>> about - the Presentation problem. Comp is pulling aesthetic experiences out 
>> of thin air. without a specific theory of what they are or how they are 
>> manufactured by computation or arithmetic.
> No, that is you and your personalized definition of aesthetic experience 
> that has nothing to do with any standard interpretation of the term

It's not a personalized definition, it is an uncontroversial comment about 
the nature of appearance versus the nature of that which has no appearance. 
If your arm is in pain, you can have a local *anesthetic* at the site so 
that the pain disappears, or you can have a general *anesthetic* and your 
entire experience disappears. When you wake up and your experience appears, 
or when your arm appears to hurt again, it should not be a problem to 
describe that* what has returned is a non-an-esthetic, therefore aesthetic*. 
It's not a definition, it's a description.

> , and where you default to "what I like about aesthetic..." free 
> association to fit your current mood and the exchange you're involved in, 
> when prompted these days.

Let the unsupported accusations begin.

> Comp doesn't need to pull aesthetic experience, in it's standard 
> interpretations from anywhere. 

Why would that be true? Aesthetics exist, do they not? There is a 
difference between feeling pain and pain relief, right? So why would a 
computation hurt? Before you answer, you have to ask whether your 
justification for the existence of pain isn't based entirely in experience 
rather than computation. Certainly, were it not for your own experience of 
pain, there would be no reason to invent such a thing to explain anything 
that happens in a computation.

> In the case of music, the vast majority of music theories, if not all, are 
> number based. 

Music theory is not music though. Numbers do not create music. Music, like 
computation, can only exist as a consequence of awareness, not as a 
replacement for it.

> Multisense realism is puling aesthetic experience from thin air, as you 
> constantly evade the question: 

Just the opposite. Sense is in the name. I start from aesthetic experience. 
It could just as easily be called 'Pan-aesthetic Realism'. By aesthetic I 
mean sense - experiential contents.

> I can see how I can derive music and improvisation from counting and 
> numbers; 

Can you teach a pocket calculator to make music without adding anything? 
Why not?

> can multisense realism show me how to do the same?

You can't derive music from anything except human experience. MSR begins by 
acknowledging that instead of denying it.

There is no theory of non-human music. Numbers do not turn into sounds when 
they leave Platonia and teleport into our eardrums. 

> Because given all the claims on how central aesthetic experience is, it 
> should at least offer some clues, if not be even better than numbers.

The clues that MSR offers lie in the superposition of the totality of 
experience (eternity) and particular experience. Music is an irreducibly 
anthropological qualia. It is of the moment and it is timeless. It exploits 
metric isomorphisms between qualia on the personal level and the 
sub-personal physiological levels and the super-personal archetypal levels. 
Music is indeed very mathematical, because of the isomorphism across 
multiple frames is inherently mathematical, but mathematics is not 
sufficient to explain music. If there were no hearing, there would be no 
music. You can look at the mathematical patterns of a song visual without 
experiencing a song or music. 

>>> it wouldn't make much sense for people to have to learn to count 
>>> integers only after years of aesthetic saturation.
>>>>> What can be computed other than quantities?
>>>>> Quantities are easily computed by stopping machines, but most machines 
>>>>> does not stop, and when they introspect, the theory explains why they get 
>>>>> troubled by consciousness, qualia, etc. Those qualia are not really 
>>>>> computed, they are part of non computable truth, but which still bear on 
>>>>> machines or machine's perspective.
>>>> Then you still have an explanatory gap.
>>>> But that is a good point for comp, as it explains why there is a gap, 
>>>> and it imposes on it a precise mathematical structure.
>>> But there's nothing on the other side of the gap from the comp view. 
>>> You're still just finding a gap in comp that comp says is supposed to be 
>>> there and then presuming that the entire universe other than comp must fit 
>>> in there. If there is nothing within comp to specifically indicate color or 
>>> flavor or kinesthetic sensations, or even the lines and shapes of geometry, 
>>> then I don't see how comp can claim to be a theory that relates to 
>>> consciousness.
>>> There is something in the comp theory which specifically indicate qualia.
>>> The gaps in the intensional nuances could very well do that. 
>> But flavors and colors aren't gaps.
> You do not know what Bruno is referring to and are changing the question. 
> If you do know which intensional nuances he is referring to, then explain 
> them and why gaps as colors would be inappropriate. 

An intensional nuance would, I assume, be something like the idiosyncratic 
details of a computation's functioning. The idea that there are gaps I 
interpret as relating to incompleteness etc. as something like 'that which, 
by the nature of computation, cannot be computed'. By that definition, 
colors would be no more or less appropriate than flavors, or flags, or 
Shakespeares per second. There is no science in claiming that the Emperor 
could be wearing clothes in another dimension.

>> It would be like painting with invisible paint. 
> UV paint. 5.40$ at Ebay.

You mean paint that is visible only under UV light, not 'paint that will 
never be visible'...which is what 'invisible paint' would be.

>> How does theory become visible to itself, and why would it?
> Black lights. To party and have indiscriminate fun, in this case. PGC

Theories don't have fun, and they can't be indiscriminate. Theory is 


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