
To answer your last question please refer to the new topic I just started 
"Another stab at how spacetime emergences computationally" or something 
like that. I forget exactly how I titled it...


On Sunday, December 29, 2013 12:36:05 PM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 29 Dec 2013, at 14:52, Edgar L. Owen wrote:
> Bruno,
> Glad we agree that decoherence falsifies collapse. That's a good start!
> But decoherence also falsifies MW. 
> Non collapse = many-worlds, to me. If I make a quantum choice, by QM, I 
> will put myself in a superposition and execute the two alternative of the 
> experience. If one of the two terms disappears, there is collapse.
> First of all you have to understand what a wavefunction is. It's not a 
> physical object. 
> QM is the assumption that particles and fields follows some wave equation. 
> If you doubt that the physical reality is described by the wave, you doubt 
> QM. And this has nothing to do with the interpretation of QM.
> It's a description of a physical object in human math. 
> You confuse the theories and what the theory are intended for. 
> Basically in QM its formulated as the 'answer' to a question that can be 
> asked about a physical object.
> That's like defining an atom by the set of experimental set up capable of 
> analysing it.
> Then you refer all the times to a reality, and I still don't know what you 
> assume. 
> Second, properly understood, there are no 'branches' to a wavefunction.
> Relatively to some observable, there are. What is your semantic of a 
> quantum decision? 
> The correct interpretation of a wavefunction is not a description of a 
> physical object (electron) smeared out in a fixed pre-existing background 
> space common to all events, it's a description of how space can 
> dimensionally emerge if that particle decoheres with some other particle, 
> in other words it's the range of possibilities for the dimensional 
> relationship that would occur if it interacted with another particle's 
> wavefunction.
> That's not so bad way to see the things, perhaps. It looks like explaining 
> gravity through quantum entanglements. I am OK with this. In physics (which 
> I don't assume any theory, as a constraints in the mind-body problem).
> In no way this makes alternate realities in oblivion.
> Thus all this occurs not in physical space, but in logical computational 
> space. It is only when wavefunctions actually interfere and decohere with 
> each other that actual dimensional relationships arise, and therefore a 
> point in a dimensional space is created. This is how dimensional spaces 
> emerge piecewise from quantum decoherence events.
> So you do get many individual spacetime fragments emerging out of logical 
> computational space by this process, but they are not separate universes, 
> because they in turn continually merge via common events that connect and 
> align them. The result of googles of these processes is the simulacrum of 
> classical spacetime. It is the origin of physicality from computational 
> space.
> That's the way it works.... And this model also unifies GR and QM and 
> resolves all quantum 'paradox' at the same time, as well as explaining the 
> source of quantum randomness, so i
> ...

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