On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 6:14:35 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Consider the posts by Craig. He said clearly "no" to that question,   
> making his assumption (existence of a primitive sense) coherent. But   
> he used his assumption to justify his negation of comp, but that is   
> usually invalidated by the fact that machines get the same conclusion   
> than his. His assumption are also quite fuzzy, but there has never   
> been any trouble with him, notably because he does never insult or   
> patronized others. 
Thanks Bruno, I appreciate that. For the record, I would submit that your 
ability to see your way through the stereotypical machine beliefs 
personally suggests that you are setting a double standard whereby a 
particular machine (namely you, or anyone who subscribes to comp) is exempt 
from "the fact that machines get the same conclusion". It's a bit of a 
loaded question. If I agree with comp then I am in some sense more than 
machine, but if I claim my own authority independent of comp, then my claim 
is false by comp.

I see it the other way around. If sense is primary, then logic is the 
extension of sense into the unsensed. It is mechanized inference, aka, 
computation. It uses the 'space between' sense to infer measurement, and as 
such, does indeed access a kind of interstitial Platonic matrix of eternal 
truths...however, in my view, they are only truths about how sense 
interacts with itself from a distance - very close to sense, but not quite 
as fundamental. In this way, computation is something like the 'perfect 
imperfect' - the imposter, an emulator and digitizer of proprietary content 
into public, anonymous 'films' of sense. From that perspective, I think 
that it makes sense that logic mistakes itself for sense, so that the fact 
that logic itself would reflect the assumptions that those with logical 
minds tend to make is consistent.


> Bruno 
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/ 

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