On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:57 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 11 February 2014 16:40, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> The claimed consequence is that consciousness can be instantiated by a
>> computation which requires no physical events.  But I think what is shown
>> is that there can be a world including conscious beings which does not
>> require physical events in our world, i.e. they can be merely arithmetical
>> or Turing machince "events".  In other words it is possible to simulate a
>> world with conscious beings.  But that's not so surprising and doesn't
>> imply that physics in this world is derivative from arithmetic (but it
>> doesn't imply the contrary either).
>> I'm not sure I see how you get the conclusion that such a thing can be
> simulated in our world (if we assume it's physical) ? The UDA could be run
> physically in our universe, but non "aphysically" (that I know of???)
>>  It's all very well having reservations that X might make a difference,
>> but as Bruno keeps saying, show him where he's gone wrong so he can stop
>> worrying about comp and spend his time keeping bees instead!
>>  And I keep saying show me a significant prediction (not retrodiction) of
>> comp.
> You wouldn't need to say that if you could show what's wrong with it! :-)
> (Sorry!)
> I think the chances are a TOE will have to go a looong way before it's
> likely to make predictions rather than retrodictions. Didn't string theory
> retrodict the graviton or something, and everyone said that was a positive
> result? Well, Bruno's got qualia, apparently...

String theory based on Maldacena's conjecture predicted the viscosity of
the quark-gluon plasma before it was measured and more recently explained
the mechanism behind EPR based on Einstein-Rosen bridges, which is more
like a retrodiction.

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