On 13 Feb 2014, at 12:36, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2014-02-13 12:29 GMT+01:00 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>:

On 13 Feb 2014, at 12:07, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2014-02-13 11:52 GMT+01:00 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>:

On 13 Feb 2014, at 09:44, Quentin Anciaux wrote:

2014-02-13 9:32 GMT+01:00 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>:

On 12 Feb 2014, at 21:47, LizR wrote:

On 13 February 2014 09:18, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
On 12 Feb 2014, at 18:58, meekerdb wrote:
That doesn't follow. If there are disjoint worlds, as contemplated in some versions of cosmology, they may have different physics.

Nice, comp predicts that this is impossible, although I can agree this is a matter of semantics, as I define a physical laws to be true for all universal machines, so disjoint worlds will have only different geographies.

So you're saying that only those worlds with observers in exist, according to comp?

Not completely, as you will still have all the computations approximating all possible geographical reality, including those without observers, and in that sense, those "realities" exist, but they might not be first person plural sharable, and if you could explore one, they can violate our physics below our substitution level (which witnesses the infinitely many computations, something that one computation can only approximate). Your question can depend if a quantum universal dovetailer win the "a measure battle", so that the computations going through you states are asspciated to some precise subdovetailing, for example.

So the physics they observe will necessarily be such that it allows them to exist? (In other words, the "Strong Anthropic Principle" ?)

Is that not tautological?

If so, how do you account for us being able to observe an early universe in which there were apparently no observers? Or do we as obsverers create it (somehow) ?

We select them. See above.

You seem to be making your claim a tautology by saying whatever your theory produces is physics, even if it's not any physics we know of. That makes it impossible to test.

Why, the physics we get is non trivial. It is as much testable than evolution. It explains where the laws of physics come from, and much more. It is extremely testable, given that it gives the laws, and it is enough to find one natural phenomenon contradicting Z1* or X1* to refute comp (+ Theaetetus). But this needs more on "AUDA", so let us not anticipate everything too much quickly. You jump from step 3 to step 8, and then to AUDA. Well, it is interesting, but like Liz said, we have to do the dinner and that kind of things of life, if we want to continue the discussion in decent condition.

I must admit I got that impression - thath the answer was something like "comp predicts whatever physics we've got!"

This is false. A priori comp predicts white noise and white rabbits. But thanks to Gödel, we know that self-reference put constraints on what we can observe ([]p & <>t), so comp(+Theaetetus) is not refuted yet, and is the only theory explaining where matter and consciousness comes from. Comp predicts one precise physics, in a way which indeed does not depend at all from what we observe in nature (we assume *only* comp!), and so we can compare the comp-physics with nature physics, and test comp.

I don't understand how you would disprove comp like that... because whatever you could measure about reality could just be "geographical" and so comp is always in accordance with whatever measure... if not, could you precisely point on a specific thing that would invalidate comp ?

If all the "hypostases" (points of view) modalities were collapsing into CPL, then comp would predict that, indeed, there are no physical laws, and everything would be geographical. This would predict that we can "travel" in the universe/multiverse, and observe anything logically consistent.

This would made Smullyan correct when he says, in "Forever Undecided" (page 47):

"The physical sciences are interested in the state of affairs that holds for the actual world, whereas pure mathematics and logic study all possible state of affairs".

Now, we could criticize this already from observation. Indeed it is those observations which led us to believe that there are physical laws, and laws means that something is true everywhere in our universe (or should means that, if that set is not empty). Indeed we believe that F=ma, or F= KmM/r^2 are laws, that is are true, not only everywhere, but even in all branch of the universal wave.

But it can't be true everywhere with comp,

It must be true at the physical level, about the "real" (by comp) physical reality.

because, I can write a virtual world where this does not hold, and as it is a virtual world, an infinity of computations approximate it at any level in the UD deployement (like our reality).... hence, that "virtual" world is as real as ours by UDA (and not so virtual)...

It is like a dream, or a simulation implemented on the real physics.

Why, it is as real IMHO, because it is also implemented by an infinity of computations... why would our reality be more real ? Peter Jones realness ingredient ?

No, it is not the same. If you asked what mean "real" to Peter Jones, he could only use ostensible means, or, reifying the notion of reality. In our case "real", i.e. "physically real" means obeying to the comp-physics (and thus defined by the correct 1p-ratio of computations, and thus with a physical logic (probability 1) given by the logic of []p & <>t, or slight variant).

hence F=ma cannot be universaly true if comp is true.

So if you extract "F= KmM/r^2" from comp, and you refute it ostensibly (by flying) then you can infer that either comp is false, or you are dreaming (or you are in a simulation, done, not by the UD, but implemented on the real physics which is not done by the UD but supervenes on the whole UD in a non computable).

I think you can't conclude anything, because as I point out, any measure you made is geographical under comp hence no measure can invalidate it.

I guess you mean any "measurement" I made is geographical.
I agree that the making of the measurement is geographical, but what I measure might be physically universal, unless physics is only geography, but that is already refuted by comp, thanks to the non collapse of the modal logic brought by the intensional variants. Comp here already predicts that *there* is a physical part common to all geographies, and that is what I call "physical laws", as the rest will be sort of contingencies.

You are right that we don't test just comp, but comp + theaetetus + we are at the base level of physics (not dreaming or simulated at a higher level). OK?

Ok... but it is no more comp. The "we are at the base level of physics" is the same thing as primitive matter, Peter Jones realness ingredient.

Not at all. By definition of that realness ingredient, it cannot be tested, except trivially by being "conscious", as all virtual being not implemented in physics are non-conscious in that Peter Jones theory. This makes Peter Jones "realness" neither confirmable nor refutable (and thus pseudo-religious somehow, or just a reification philosophical mistake).

But in our case, that "realness" (defined by the satisfiability of comp + theaetetus + "non-dream") is *refutable*. That is why I explained (to Brett Hall, notably) that a computationalist can test if he belongs to an (higher order, physical (in the comp sense)) simulation. If you program that simulation, and I am the simulated observer, I can derive the physical laws from comp (without doing any observation) and compare it to what I observe. If that fits, I can't conclude anything (and my 1p will overlap on reality and the simulation. I still derived the correct laws of physics), but if I find a discrepancy (and if you don't mess with my virtual brain so that I stay "correct") then I can conclude that (~comp V ~Theaetetus V ~simulation). Then by being a classical computationalist (meaning that I bet strongly on comp and the S4 theory of knowledge), I can bet as much strongly that I am failed by some people through a simulation, a bit like in some dream we can become lucid by keeping attention to the detail of the dream. Can you find something equivalent for Peter Jones "realness"? I doubt so.



(I think se have discussed this before, but it is OK to come back, as this is not so easy).

In all case it is better than physics, which only compresses information, without justifying its existence and the modality of the compression, still less justifying a non communicable part of it (the physical sensation) or linking sensation and bodies in ad hoc ways without taking the FPI into account. With comp we don't have so much choice. That we might be dreaming is also true for physics (and that's why I often forget to mention the higher level dream, when I say that comp is refutable---that is universally true).

Up to now, Everett-QM confirms comp, and Theaetetus *and* that we are not dreaming or in a simulation.



But comp justifies this: the modalities of provability and observation does not collapse, and so there are universal (in a strong sense) laws or physical truth. Among those already predicted by comp, is the Many-worlds aspect of reality, which appears under the substitution level, and the existence of indeterminacy and non- cloning. In particular, without QM, I would probably tend to believe that comp is not plausible.

But comp gives the whole mathematics of observability, which leads to infinitely many testable propositions. For example, a form of Bell's inequality can be described in the logic Z1*, and, well, it is still open if Z1* violates it. (because it is intractable, despite the fact that Z1* is decidable, but it would be miraculous that Z1* proves it, for some reason to lengthy to develop here). But the point is that if Z1* proves that Bell inequality, then the fact that nature violates it would refute comp. Z1* (and/or S4Grz1, X1*) is (are) supposed to formalize the entire quantum logic, so we can compare directly the quantum logics and the quantum logic of comp.

Some hope comes from a paper by Rawling and Selesnick(*), which use quantum logic, and even the modal logic B, which is the modal form of quantum logic (by a result due to Goldblatt), to implement a quantum NOR. All this can be tested in Z1*, and normally we can test the existence of quantum computation in Z1* (or in his quantified extension qZ1*). Imagine that someone can prove that qZ1* cannot emulate a quantum computer, and imagine we succeed in implementing a quantum computation, then comp (+ Theaetetus) is refuted. Yesterday (!), I have been sent new papers on quantum logic, which shows that the field has progressed, notably with respect of quantum computing, and this suggest that the best way to refute comp, or improve the knowledge theory, will come from the ability of qS4Grz1, or qZ1*, or qX1*, to simulate a quantum computer.


(*) J. P. Rawling and S. A. Selesnick. Orthologic and Quantum Logic : Models and Computational
Elements. Journal of the ACM, 47(4) :721-751, 2000.


However I see that isn't so, so I will be interested to know how it's testable - if I ever make it to understanding AUDA.

I hope to be able to explain enough so that you understand the main line on this.
Meanwhile, more explanation, notably in my answer to Brent.



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