Hi Bruno

>> Come on, the poor guy tried hard since two years, and has convinced only him

That's a good way of spinning the fact that for two years it is in reality you 
who has failed to convince him.

All the best


From: chris_peck...@hotmail.com
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Suicide Words God and Ideas
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 22:23:08 +0000

Hi Quentin

>> I do not, valid critics are valid, 

By definition mate.

>> but when you point to someone the inconsistency in his argument and that he 
>> maintains for years the same invalid argument that means that person does 
>> not want to argue, he wants to defend a position at all costs, that's evil. 

This is what I mean by emotional arm waving. I can honestly think of things 
that are more evil and I suppose, from Clark's point of view, hes been pointing 
out the inconsistencies in Bruno's argument for two years too. Does that make 
Bruno evil??? 

In a later post you try to rebut Clark :

>>>>    In the MWI John Clark doesn't have to worry about who "I" or "you" is 
>>>> because however many copies of "I" or "you" there may or may not be they 
>>>> will never meet. 

>>That changes absolutely nothing... just put the reconstruction of the W guy 
>>200 years later than the M guy, they will never meet...

But if you can send the W guy skipping through time, you can send the M guy 
skipping through time too. So they could potentially meet. In MWI 'copies' can 
not potentially meet. If this is your attempt to point out an inconsistency its 
dismissively lazy and fails triumphantly.

In my opinion your beef is impotent anyhow. The most you'd ever show was that 
Clark applied his argument inconsistently, you certainly wouldn't show that he 
was wrong about Bruno's metaphysics.

all the best


Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 09:39:21 +1300
Subject: Re: Suicide Words God and Ideas
From: lizj...@gmail.com
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com

On 14 February 2014 08:56, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:


    So no matter what is refuted we can save comp by saying that it is
    true but at a lower level and what we have observed that appears to
    refute comp is a dream or simulation at a higher level.

If this is true, comp isn't a scientific theory. 


    Of course the converse of this is that no matter what we observe
    then it cannot confirm comp.

This is true of any scientific theory (if comp is one, therefore, also true of 


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