2014-02-14 19:29 GMT+01:00 John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com>:

> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>  > > In the MWI John Clark doesn't have to worry about who "I" or "you"
>>> is because however many copies of "I" or "you" there may or may not be they
>>> will never meet.
>> > That changes absolutely nothing... just put the reconstruction of the W
>> guy 200 years later than the M guy, they will never meet...
> If that happened then it's true the W guy could not interact with the M
> guy, but the M guy could still interact with the W guy; just as you can
> make no changes in Plato but Plato can make changes in you, and it happens
> every time you pick up one of Plato's books. But I can have absolutely no
> effect on the John Clark in one of Everett's Many Worlds nor can that other
> fellow have any effect on me; so in Everett pronouns cause no trouble and
> the question "which one is you?"

But that's not the question both the W *and* the M guy are the H guy... the
question bear on probability of expectation for the H guy when he press the

MWI scenario:

You stand in a white room with two doors, one on the left, one on the
right, there is a column with a button in the middle of the room, when you
press it, the spin of an electron is measured, if it is up the left door
open, if it is down the right door open... probability for you to see the
left door opening after having pressed the button is 0.5.

Duplication scenario:

You stand in a white room with two doors, one on the left, one on the
right, there is a column with a button in the middle of the room, when you
press it,
you are duplicated, one version of you is reconstructed in a totally
similar room where the left door open, one version of you is reconstructed
in a totally similar room where the right door open (the original is
destroyed), suppose for the sake of the argument, that the
copying/annihilation process is instantaneous and not detectable/feelable
by the reconstructed guys.
Probability for you to see the left door opening after having pressed the
button is 0.5 like in MWI *assuming comp and that the copy are still you
which is trivially true if computationalism is true.

No difference between MWI and comp duplication here... please state where
you disagree.


> never comes up, but it certainly does with Bruno's stuff.
>   John K Clark
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Batty/Rutger Hauer)

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