On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> both the W *and* the M guy are the H guy


> the question bear on probability of expectation for the H guy when he
> press the button...

If that is the question then the answer will be of zero help in
understanding the nature of personal identity because neither probability
nor expectations have anything to do with consciousness or of a continuous
feeling of self. You feel like Quentin Anciaux today for one reason only,
because you remember being Quentin Anciaux yesterday; it's true that if
Everett was correct then there are other things that remember that too, but
how something feels or what they do can have no effect on you because
neither you nor I will ever interact with them nor they with us. And for
that reason pronouns like "I" and "you" and "them" and "us" cause Everett
no trouble, but in Bruno's thought experiment they produce endless problems.

Everett wanted to explain why the predictions made by Quantum Mechanics
were so weird and so accurate, and he wanted to explain it without
introducing the very nebulous concept of "the observer", and I think he was
pretty successful in accomplishing his goal. Bruno wanted to do something
different, he wanted to explain how personal identity and a continuous
feeling of self worked, and in that he failed.

> please state where you disagree.

Please? You're saying "please" now? What happened, did you lose you're copy
of The Giant Book Of Insults?

  John K Clark

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