On 24 March 2014 17:48, chris peck <chris_peck...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I found Tegmark's presentation very disappointing.

I always find presentations disappointing in terms of information content,
at least when compared to papers and articles, but I was more than happy to
see Max "in the flesh" (and Richard Feynman for an added bonus).

> He was alarmingly apologetic about MWI pleading that its flaws were
> mitigated by the fact other interpretations had similar flaws; as if the
> fact someone else is ill would make you less ill yourself. I think in the
> world of QM interpretations, with bugger all evidence to decide between
> them, the game is to even out the playing field in terms of flaws and then
> chase parsimony. Ofcourse, whether an infinite set of worlds is more or
> less parsimonious than just one +  a few hidden variables, or one + a
> spooky wave function collapse, depends very much on what definition of
> parsimonious you find most fitting.

What flaws were those? He seemed to be saying that you didn't need Everett
to get a multiverse - if you have eternal inflation, you get one anyway. I
didn't see anything particularly apologetic about that. His definition of
parsimony is like Russell's (Standish, not Bertrand) - which can be summed
up as "everything possible = zero information".

> We got the classic intuition buster argument. You know, screw intuition
> because it evolved in the sub Saharan savannah to help us lob spears. God
> forbid that it evolved in sub Saharan society to help spot hogwash. Apart
> from the fact that he confuses Tau for intuition, even before QM and
> Relativity came along, intuition has never been the arbiter of right and
> wrong. There have always been counter intuitive facts, there is nothing new
> about the current situation. Theres no more reason to distrust intuition
> now that there has been before. Its only ever been a guide and as such
> should be trusted as much now as it ever was. And that was never entirely.

I can't offhand see what's wrong with this argument, however. Indeed you
seem to be saying it's valid, so what shouldn't Max use it?

> Worst of all though was that I wanted to hear about his level 4 multiverse
> but he didn't address it except to comment that it was a little nutty. But
> really, in the world of QM interpretation barking mad is where things
> start.
> I would have liked to have heard more about that, too (but I'm not sure if
he has anything new to say about it that wasn't in the "Scientific
American" article...)

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