Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2014 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: American Intelligence


Chris, you can relax, your stuff doesn't zing, so please continue. Chickhawk or 
chicken fries, its the same. Chickfries, I am proud to say is an American 
invention, right up there with the Apollo spacecraft. Keeping thinking about 
what progressives want and keep thinking destablization. Then, there are people 
that are against destabilization (like me!).  


I know you feel you are a defender of the faith spudboy… most brownshirts feel 
this way about themselves. I don’t see you volunteering to go fight in the 
crusade you seek to ignite, which is why I define you as being a coward. You 
wish for others to go die in the horror of war, but are too much of a coward to 
go do the fighting and possibly dying yourself.

Look at yourself in the mirror coward – there is no bravery in your empty 
rhetoric for war. Neo-brownshirt intolerance for other points of view does not 
imbue you with a patina of bravery either. All it accomplishes is to make you 
an intolerant coward.

I really do despise cowards, who wish for war (for others)…. This should be 
clear to you by now. All you are is a couch potato generalissimo, who is too 
much of a coward to follow your own – LOUDLY professed -- conviction and go off 
to fight in your crusade.




Haha – being called a coward kind of hurts doesn’t it chickenhawk…. Why so? 
Perhaps because I have hit the nail on the head. You are gung ho for war, but 
only when it involves other people.

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Jun 29, 2014 2:31 pm
Subject: RE: American Intelligence



From: [ 
<> ] 
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2014 6:05 AM
Subject: Re: American Intelligence


Chickenhawk, a phrase created by US Left-turds, basically attempts to shame 
their opposites into silence. 


Haha – being called a coward kind of hurts doesn’t it chickenhawk…. Why so? 
Perhaps because I have hit the nail on the head. You are gung ho for war, but 
only when it involves other people.


But what if the opposition is like a progressive, in which they have no shame? 
:-) Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, I have read already (13 rules) and found 
his advice, quite good. I want the US to survive, at least a while longer. 


No… you want the world to go down in the firestorm of a clash of civilizations 


The Christians await the return of Jesus, the Transhumanists await the arrival 
of the Singularity, the progressives await the triumph of 'world socialism." I 
want the US to survive and prosper. 


Bullshit – you want to drag this country down into the hellish pit of the 
global clash of civilizations war you imagine is occurring. Step up to the 
plate, coward and go off to fight on the front line, yourself chickenhawk.



It's current leadership is geared to providing for some of the desires of its 
funders and client-new poor. Progressive policies are now unraveling as war 
increases in the Ukraine, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, and the power vacuum will be 
filled. Let us see who fills this power vacuum? 



You are an American Nationalist who wants others to go die for you… 
essentially. My question, which I repeat, if you are so gung ho about some kind 
of clash of civilizations then how come you are not on the front lines fighting 
your crusade? Or do you prefer that others do the dying while you get to wax on 
with your self-righteous attitude? While you take care to keep yourself well 
out of harm’s way… 

A chickenhawk: One, who is a hawk, but only when it is others who are doing the 


-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sat, Jun 28, 2014 8:09 pm
Subject: RE: American Intelligence



From: [ 
<> ] 


Well, of one takes the actions or inactions of gov leaders, specifically, U.S., 
then there is a lot at stake to lose. I am, whatever it's worth, far different, 
from what Fox views editorially. For instance, Rupert Murdoch is meeting with 
Obama advisor, Valerie Jarrett on promoting more immigration from Latin 
America. That is different then how I feel. Secondly, most US media are never 
critical of Obama's governance, because he is a fellow progressive, and the 
first black president. No criticisms, just support. Oh believe I am an American 
nationalist, but a pragmatic one. I always ask what has been achieved if 

You are an American Nationalist who wants others to go die for you… 
essentially. My question, which I repeat, if you are so gung ho about some kind 
of clash of civilizations then how come you are not on the front lines fighting 
your crusade? Or do you prefer that others do the dying while you get to wax on 
with your self-righteous attitude? While you take care to keep yourself well 
out of harm’s way… 

A chickenhawk: One, who is a hawk, but only when it is others who are doing the 

Moreover, Using ponder where, as a species we want to be? The only thing anyone 
needs to fear from the ineffectual Fox News, is when somebody screws up and 
then lies about it. Lastly, I don't see Fox as having all that much clout, so 
your displeasure with them is likely, a waste of bradykinans, the brain 

-----Original Message-----
From: Platonist Guitar Cowboy <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: 28-Jun-2014 10:41:40 +0000
Subject: Re: American Intelligence



On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 2:10 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<> wrote:

Not disagreeing with Brent, but realpolitik only works when you like the 
outcome. I tend to be absolutist in my war views, so the nuances are wasted on 


Indeed, often you sound as "absolutist" as the militant FOX bitch, Liz posted 
yesterday. Not that I mind, but it's worth pointing out, I guess. PGC 


It is however, what's the result at the end of the day. The biggest question 
is, what is the national interest? Usually it means whatever pleases the super 
rich. If you happen to be on Soros or the Koch's side, then all is good. If 

It's called realpolitik.  Do you want the President to choose who to support 
based on their morality and disregard the national interest?  And how would you 
measure their morality?  Maybe the real plan is to keep any one murderous 
faction from winning so they keep fighting till they've all killed each other.  





-----Original Message-----
From: meekerdb <>
To: everything-list <>

Sent: Thu, Jun 26, 2014 11:57 pm
Subject: Re: American Intelligence

On 6/26/2014 8:45 PM, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List wrote:



[] On Behalf Of Richard Ruquist



I will fault Obama for supporting the ISIS in Syria but opposing them in Iraq.



It amazed me how they tried to rebrand these intolerant murderous A-holes as 
freedom fighters when these dogs of war became useful tools again in Syria. 
From Al-Qaida our immortal enemies to “freedom fighters” just like that, given 
the old Madison Avenue makeover.

The cynicism of the power knows no bounds and has no decency at all in its old 
vampire bones.

It's called realpolitik.  Do you want the President to choose who to support 
based on their morality and disregard the national interest?  And how would you 
measure their morality?  Maybe the real plan is to keep any one murderous 
faction from winning so they keep fighting till they've all killed each other.  


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