Yes, in that sense tronnies form protons, just as they form everything else  in 
our Universe.  Protons need a lot of tronnies to do what they do.  Combinations 
of hydrogen (one proton) produce helium and the fusion energy of stars.  This 
energy is provided by the approximately 15 gamma ray entrons (30 tronnies) in 
each proton.  The neutrino entron (two tronnies) in the proton provides 
galactic gravity when it is released as a neutrino photon (aka graviton) with 
the destruction of protons in  Black Holes.  


As to your island issue, I think you may have a point if it were true that our 
Universe began with a singularity.  But that is not correct.  I explain the Big 
Bang and inflation in Chapter XXV, “Life and Death of Universes”.  Our Universe 
was preceded by our predecessor universe.  Universes are created in Big Bang 
explosions of Monster Black Holes which form near the center of each universe 
about half way through the life of the universe.  The Monster Black Holes grows 
by consuming galaxies until it has consumed a large majority of the universe.  
Toward the end of the life of the universe the gravity of the Monster Black 
Hole extends to the edge of the universe.  When the Monster Black Hole explodes 
in its Big Bang, galaxies from the outer edge of the universe would have been 
accelerating toward the Monster Black Hole for many billions of years, picking 
up speed each second.  Some of these galaxies will be approaching the  site of 
the Monster Black Hole from all directions when it explodes.  They will be 
traveling at speeds of many thousand times the speed of light (such as 20,000 
c) and may be located several light years from the Monster when it explodes.  
These galaxies will pass through the site of the Big Bang explosion and will 
continue at about the same speed expanding in all directions to create the 
inflation period of the  new universe.


This has been going on for many universes.  (I take a guess that our Universe 
is about 47 in the series of universes.)  The new universe will be made of 
matter or anti-matter depending on the matter or anti-matter of the predecessor 
universes.  This is why we do not in our Universe see any anti-matter galaxies.


[] On Behalf Of LizR
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: The Higgs and "SUSY vs the Multiverse"


On 23 July 2014 12:07, John Ross <> wrote:

Tronnies do not form protons.  Tronnies form only entrons (two tronnies), 
electrons (three tronnies) and positrons (three tronnies).


Protons are comprised of a very high energy electron (comprised of an electron 
and a neutrino entron) and two positrons plus about 15 gamma ray entrons.


So tronnies do form protons - quite a number of tronnies per proton, to be 
sure. But anyway.


Antiprotons are comprised of a very high energy positron (comprised of a 
positron and a neutrino entron) and two electrons plus about 15 gamma ray 


In the beginning there were probably an equal number of protons and 
antiprotons.  These particles tended to annihilate each other.  But if the 
proton collected an electron to form a hydrogen atom it was then no longer 
attracted to the antiproton.  The same applied to the antiproton if it 
collected a positron to form an anti-hydrogen atom.  Soon however, purely by 
chance, protons and hydrogen began to outnumber antiprotons and anti-hydrogen.  
The more protons and hydrogen that formed as compared to anti-protons and 
anti-hydrogen, the more the population of free positrons was reduced as 
compared to free electrons.  So there were many more free electrons as compared 
to free positrons.  This meant that neutrino entrons were more likely to 
combine with an electron than to combine with a positron.  This lead to a 
further increase in the number of protons as compared to antiprotons.  But 
protons continued to annihilate antiprotons so the population of antiprotons 
were basically wiped out.  All this probably took a long time.  Any 
anti-hydrogen that formed could exist unless it and some nearby hydrogen became 
ionized in which case the protons would annihilate the anti-protons.


There was a 50-50 chance it could have gone the other way in which case we 
would live in an anti-universe made of anti-matter.  You and I would be 


OK, but I suspect that your answer begs the question of why the universe isn't 
composed of "islands" of matter and antimatter, because you would tend to get 
domains forming of one or the other, almost certainly of a size far smaller 
than that of the entire visible universe. The characteristic sizes of these 
would be determined by the average speed with which the matter involved was 
moving during the big bang (this is similar to the "horizon problem" that 
inflation is supposed to solve, I think). So if you had a region that happened 
to become matter, the effect would only spread out to a certain distance in the 
time available. As you say this would probably take a long time - have you done 
any calculations of how long it was likely to take, from which I think you 
should be able to tell how far the effect could spread inside an expanding 
plasma (are you happy with the current scientific description of the big bang?) 
I suspect you will get domains of matter and antimatter that are a lot smaller 
than the observed size of the universe, at least you will unless you invoke 
something like inflation to spread the random effect out over huge distances.

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