On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> If there is not a relationship between consciousness and smartness then
>> Darwin was wrong,
> > Proof?

FOR GOD'S SAKE! For the last several years in post after post after post
after post I have been explaining in detail exactly why there MUST be a
relationship between intelligence and consciousness or Darwin's theory was
wrong. If you disagree then show me the point in my reasoning where you
think I made an error and we'll discuss it, and who knows maybe we'll even
come to some sort of agreement. But please, don't just make the  "Proof?"
noise like a parrot.

> > Nor is there any evidence that computationalism, and its consequences
> are wrong.

That is 100% true.

> Indeed many aspect of the  quantum reality, which is weird for an
> Aristotlian,

Even Newtonian physics is weird for an Aristotelian because Aristotle was
the worst physicists who ever lived.

> is natural and justified for a computationalist (which has to be
> platonist, at least arithmetical platonist).

I don't think so. As Niels Bohr, the greatest physicist of the 20th century
after Einstein, said "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not
understood it". Unlike relativity which could have been discovered 300
years ago just by thinking (provided you were smart enough) no philosopher
or physicist would EVER come up with a idea as crazy as Quantum Mechanics
if they weren't forced to do so by exparament.

 John K Clark

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