Anyone can look up the facts (over the last few election cycles). If you add up 
all Blue states in one column and all red states in another column the blue 
column of states turns out to be a net contributor to the federal revenue; the 
red states are net recipients of federal tax dollars. Such simple mathematical 
averaging may be beyond your Tea Party math skills however; so I can recognize 
why you are struggling with this... as with so many concepts that require some 
actual thinking.This pattern also holds when you do more micro analysis at the 
zipcode level.  The net result is that it is blue America that is actually 
paying the bills, and working to make our country prosper; while it is red 
America that is doing the whining and demanding war.... while living off of 
those government checks.... like welfare queens. The Tea Party hates the hand 
that is feeding it, which you got to admit is fairly ironic.Oh, and Mitch it is 
turkeys like you that are getting stuffed... I know it makes you mad as hell. 
Take some personal responsibility to better your own life; it is not the fault 
of Islam or of those Mexicans laborers either that you find yourself so 

      From: spudboy100 via Everything List <>
 Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 12:10 PM
 Subject: Re: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 
The state thing shows how fanatically blind you really are. Illinois, 
prospering, and how's Detroit faring in Michigan? NY state rolling in cash? 
Connecticut cashing in big? What about Red State cash flow? Texas, yes indeed, 
the Dakotas, yep, so your hyperthyroid statements are specious, at best. Under 
your gawd, Bamer, the rich have gotten so much richer, and they poor get 
cellphones. Splendid! Also, if your godling is doing so great, then why ask for 
320 billion more for the federal budget? This will be in his state of 
destruction message tomorrow night. Most blue state peoples are now leaving for 
the South economically speaking where jobs are to be had, because or 
conservative fiscal practices, which sorry to tell you, actually work. Now this 
is for them blueboys that actually want to work. Many who stay, are your kind 
of people, meth heads that steal from their grandma's so as to feed their 
habit. That sad fact has become kind of common in dear old Washington state, 
hasn't it? Lastly,  Bamer protects the super rich in  both parties, so there's 
your oligarchy. The welfare statement is your attempt at humor, or are you 
really this delusional in real life? If anything, conservatives want to cut 
welfare rolls, while the progressive party views then as captive voters who are 
dependent on the graciousness of you fascists, so as to ensure the ballot 
boxers get stuffed. Speaking of getting stuffed, why don't you?  

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 2:18 pm
Subject: RE: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 

Sent: Monday, January 19, 2015 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 
view Based on the US experience, the sales pitch that all is wonderful has 
failed and keeps failing, simply because the selling doesn't live up to 
reality. In the US we used to call this, Wrapping yourself up in the flag." Or 
as the British Dr. Johnson once wrote, "Patriotism is the last refuge of a 
scoundrel." In the US we have added an amended version of Doc Johnson's 
statement, which is, "Calling racism is the new last refuge of a scoundrel." 
Case in point is the reverend Al Sharpton who call racism at every junction and 
if there isn't anything to talk about like a police killing, he will make one 
up out of whole cloth, as he did with the Tawanna Brawley incident years ago. 
He tends to take huge sums from big corporations so as to avoid picketing and 
protestors outside company headquarters. Needless to state, it has been 
profitable for him, personally, without changing the corporate climate or the 
number of black American's actually hired. As far as freedom goes, most people 
in the US only care about it when its restricted for themselves, and, in any 
case, most have zero to really say. The US is the same country whose voters 
would sell their votes for free cell phones, food stamps (subsidized 
purchases), and fatter welfare checks. I don't see this changing anytime soon 
and do expect Mama Clinton, in the US to win the presidency in 2016.  This 
stream of “consciousness” of yours provides a fascinating window into the 
discombobulated processes at work in your brain, as it fires on all four 
cylinders. It seems like you are trying to say something important, but are 
having a lot of trouble forming cogent opinions. Perhaps if instead of spending 
all these years angry at all those identifiable “other” people for having 
“robbed” you of the life you “were entitled” to, you had instead done something 
about it to improve your own skills you would be better off. You Tea Party 
types always blaming other people for your ills… and never doing anything of 
substance to take personal responsibility.As I pointed out the Blue states are 
the states that are actually paying for the government; we are net 
contributors. On average Red states depend on federal government largesse; e.g. 
a bunch of welfare recipients.  -----Original Message-----
From: Telmo Menezes <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 1:30 pm
Subject: Re: Free Speech is not Free unless it is allowed for every point of 
view  On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 10:15 PM, LizR <> wrote:Seconded 
(I am allowed to say that, right?) Of course it isn't just France. And some 
countries go one step further and actively brainwash their citizens from an 
early age into thinking they are wonderful, and thus try to prevent even the 
possibility of "thoughtcrime". I completely agree with you and Chris on this. 
The tragic thing for me, as an European, is that the USA were the ones leading 
the way in terms of free speech. Europe never adopted something as strong as 
the first amendment. Europeans love to say the "free speech has its limits", 
which is a nonsensical, in my opinion. I always assume that Europe would catch 
up with the USA on this. Unfortunately, it seems that the opposite is 
 On 18 January 2015 at 17:06, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List 
<> wrote:It is sad to see, for France has such 
a heritage, but it seems there is diminishing actual functioning Free Speech 
rights in France; when scores of people are getting arrested and thrown into 
jail for unpopular free speech, which in France has now become the new 
Orwellian thought crime of “supporting terrorism”.Either Free Speech applies to 
all; or it does not apply. If unpopular – and even repugnant -- free speech is 
punished with long jail terms; then the state sanctioned mechanisms are in 
place for destroying effective right of free speech, which soon becomes free 
only when it reflects the desire of those who rule. -- 
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