On 3 February 2015 at 12:18, spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Liz, this is only for the brainwashed, the ideological.  You need to ask
> him why he makes justification for ISIS? For Iran, for Al Qaeda. My guess
> is that its ideological. If you like Eric Blair/Orwell, "Freedom is the
> right to tell people what they do not want to hear. In a time of universal
> deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

I was talking about the way that terrorism has been used as an excuse to
reduce the population of the western world to a form of slavery - with
increased surveillance and power in the hands of the (increasingly secret,
increasingly well armed) police - and how this is being used to maintain a
perpetual state of fear - a "cold war" against a shadowy and perhaps
largely nonexistent foe (like al Qaeda, which reports suggest basically
shot its bolt with 911 and was nothing like the monster it was subsequently
painted as).

And how most people are ignorant of what is being done to them in the name
of "freedom".

It's summed up to a large extent by this infographic. Note the line on
terrorism, 33 deaths which have been "leveraged" to create virtual police
states in various western democracies. (Apart from "1984", by the way, this
also reminds me of James Blish's "Cities in flight" timeline of furture
history, in which by 2018 the USA and USSR had merged into a world
totalitarian state because they had found there were no significant
ideological differences - obviously Blish didn't foresee the fall of
"communism" in the 80s, but he seems to have also had a hotline to the 21st
century in some respects).

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