France has been known for its deliberate hatreds, pre-ww2, and post ww2. Having 
said this what I think is occurring is counter colonization, and as of late 
decades, deliberate. The imposition is from Islamic lands where the majority of 
the Uma, crave sharia law, sharia rule. I had pondered in years before that 
maybe this is karma for the French for their personal nastiness? In this case 
the lesser of the two evils right now are the jihadists, rather then the 
national front. On what to do,  is another matter, perhaps best left off this 
forum?  Dieudonné, their national treasure, as you term it, is a stage name, 
for a Muslim fellow, who carries his jihad to his shows. The Algerian war you 
write of are unquestionable in that the Pied Noire colonists were basically the 
same folks who followed Martial Petain and Pierre Laval collabiorators, during 
WW2. Again we have a case of the bad versus the worse. 

-----Original Message-----
From: chris peck <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 7:49 pm
Subject: RE: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

Maybe the Onion cartoon didn't set anyone off, but it just isn't true that 
these three Algerians are the only people who behave psychotically in the face 
of free speech. 

During the first salvos of the battle of Fallujah the allies ransacked and shut 
down the general hospital because it was releasing civilian casualty figures. 
That was a war crime. The allies bombed the offices of Al Jazeera in Bagdahd in 
2003, a fact widely denied until David Blunket boasted about it in his memoirs. 
Why? They were releasing civilian casualty figures alongside photographic 
proof. Freely reporting the truth is simply unacceptable. In the war against 
Serbia Nato bombed Serbian state tv head quarters killing scores of 

We shouldn't be fooled into thinking France has any regard for free speech 
either. Only days after the Hebdo attacks their national treasure Dieudonné was 
arrested for an offensive face book post. He aligned himself with the killers 
rather than the victims in an exasperated outburst. It was deeply insensitive 
and deeply offensive. But so what? It was just a joke.

Clarke's question isn't a fair one. A fair question would be to ask why these 
three men turned psychotic over a cartoon. Asking why muslims are the only 
group to turn psychotic implies muslims turn psychotic over jokes in general, 
which isnt true. It implies that the only people who have killed journalists 
have been muslims. Again not true.

Why did these three Algerians turn psychotic? Who can honestly say? But we can 
look at the history of Algeria and France, and as it turns out the conquest and 
subjugation of the Algerian people was exceptionally brutal. Here is a postcard 
French ex-pats in Algeria could send home to mom depicting the fate of Algerian 
nationals who disobeyed:

see, even beheading people and publishing it on public media has precedents in 
the west. The Algerians tried to get their country back triggering a bitter 
civil war that killed 1.5 million people and resulted in Algerian society being 
torn apart. Pro French Algericans escaped to france, where they have been 
treated like animals ever since. In 1961, in Paris, during a peaceful protest 
against the occupation of Algeria and against a curfew imposed by the state, 
the french police rounded up scores of Algerian men women and children, beat 
them unconscious and threw them into the Seine to drown. Thousands were rounded 
up into stadiums and beaten. There are reports that some were forced to drink 
bleach. Corpses washed up on the shores of the Seine for weeks. Upwards of 200 
people were killed. Some estimates are far higher. France. Its not all cheese, 
baguettes and ooh la la. 

Since 1961 muslims have been subjected to increasingly draconian restrictions 
on their freedome and a media that depicts them in as dehumanizing way as 
possible. The wankers at Charlie Hebdo are part of that. Of course they should 
be free to do it, but its no wonder this marginalized sector feels angry about 
it. The media now presents the story as though white french people should be 
afraid of Algerians. Historically, its clearly the other way around because the 
whites in France have been behaving like a brutal and murderous bunch of cunts. 
That said, these three Algerians probably did what they did without reference 
to any of that and because of some words in a book.

Subject: Re: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 18:45:13 -0500

Brent, you are suffering from progressive derangement syndrome, where all 
non-complaint minds are evil Nazis. I will never be compliant with progressive 
thinking because, a) it works poorly, and b) its totalitarian in nature, and 
becomes increasingly so over time. Secondly, Chris is holding the spot for the 
most mentally-impaired judgment, on the mailing list, and I don't think he 
needs the competition. I used to be a progressive myself, so I am used to the 
diatribes, accusations, lies, and Sol Alinsky's rules for Radicals (if you have 
ever read the man's book?).  Now, as to yout OECD comment, I am ok with cradle 
to grave social services, as long as we find a good way to pay for it all. I am 
pretty much the kind of libertarian who would like to see small scale fixes 
tried first, before the hoary hand over national government is imposed, along 
with all its strings and corruption. However I will accept it intellectually as 
long as it is thoughtfully planned. It can be done, but in the US, its done, 
more or less as bribes by the democrat party to guarantee people are dependent 
on the dems, rather than independent and upward bound. This, Chris's party 
doesn't want because otherwise, why vote for them?  Question, how well do you 
feel the OECD countries, which you exult in, would be able to fund their 
national social services, if they had to rely on their own national defense, 
rather than on US warships and planes. It would cut into the social services, 
no doubt, unless they could cut a deal with Putin, or China, not to invade? I 
am talking about tens of billions of ecu's or pounds, depending on where you 
are living. This would be what they call a trade off, indeed.
-----Original Message-----
From: meekerdb <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 19, 2015 4:04 pm
Subject: Re: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

On 1/19/2015 10:17 AM, spudboy100 via      Everything List wrote:
But I don't        like your specious multiculturalist creepiness to go        
unchallenged on this email list. Its failed everywhere its been        tried, 
as nearly all of the liberal crap has. 
    You mean like in all      the OECD nations?  Where people are happy and 
secure because they      have a socialist safety net.  I'd say you skinhead 
fascists, like      the ones who set a sleeping homeless man on fire here last 
night,      are a lot creepier and failed a lot bigger when you were in power.

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