On 1/21/2015 8:12 PM, chris peck wrote:

>> And a fair answer would be they turned psychotic because they believed in a psychotic religion.

No that would be a stupid answer because we know that it is hogwash.

Firstly, we know that the overwhelmingly vast majority of muslims do not turn psychotic in the face of cartoons.

That's deceptive rhetoric. No one thinks they're psychotic. They're radicalized in the literal sense of wanting to go back to the roots of Islam. They despise the West as immoral and corrupt and think the government should enforce Islamic values. And by that standard I'm not sure "the vast majority" are not radicalized by cartoons. What percentage of Muslims in Denmark and France thought the government should suppress the cartoons. 55% in Denmark. In the U.K. 62% said criticism of religion should not be protected as free speech.

Secondly, we know that learning the Koran acts as a defense against violence. Being taught the koran at madrassa is negatively correlated with becoming radicalized.

But it may be correlated with radicalizing others. I'll be being a seminary trained evangelist preacher is negatively correlated with shooting abortion clinic doctors too.

thirdly, we know that Coulibaly, for example, came to Islam late. He had already accrued several convictions for violent and drug related crimes before he was 18. A psychologist reports he had an immature and psychotic personality. He was converted to radical Islam during a spell in prison for armed robbery, prior to that he had probably never even seen a Koran. In these respects he follows a fairly typical profile.

He was allegedly introduced to Islam by Djamel Begal. Begal, a 'french' Algerian ... and we all know why Algerians are fucked off don't we? ... and erstwhile family man who worked for a homeless charity in the UK, had been arrested and tortured in Dubai while traveling to Afgahnistan in 2000. There was no evidence he was involved in any criminal activities. Tortures included anal rape, urethral insertions, ripping out finger nails, mock executions, force feeding, sleep deprivation and so on. The torture went on and on under the influence of pain enhancing hallucinogenic drugs for months. He was later returned to france where he was convicted on terrorism charges without recourse to a lawyer and imprisoned for ten years. Wikileaks would later release communications from the french judge who convicted Begal admitting that the evidence against him was insufficient. Why was Begal radicalized? Well, it was probably the words in a silly book rather than the torture and imprisonment he was subjected to with impunity and Frances colonial history. I mean an idiot might think so anyway.

Fourthly, Coulibaly was actually recorded explaining his motivations:

"Every time, they try to make you think Muslims are terrorists. I was born in France. If they hadn't been attacked elsewhere I wouldn't be here. I'll tell them to stop attacking the Islamic State, stop unveiling our women, stop putting our brothers in prison for everything and anything. You're the ones who elected your governments, and the governments never hid their intentions to be at war in Mali or elsewhere."

So whats with Mali then? Like many African countries Mali's society was ripped apart by French brutality and was conquered in the 1800s. A series of coups and military interventions and Frances' thoroughly evil colonial taxation system has ensured it remains under French control directly or by proxy ever since. Last time the French bombed peasants in Mali was in 2013. What a bunch of wankers.

But that "bunch of wankers, the French" /*includes*/ Coulibaly. Why doesn't he say "/*My*/ government is doing bad things and I must work to stop it." You say he wasn't raised Muslim and didn't see a Koran before he went to prison - but wasn't raised Mali either and he never saw it. Yet he identifies with Mali Muslims and refer to "our women". You imply he's somehow avenging torture - but he wasn't tortured. A guy he never heard of was tortured and Coulibaly might well have been for it at the time. It seems to me he's a thug who met a guy in prison who showed him how he could feel justified and morally superior to the people who put him in prison.


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