I am uncomfortable with the plaster of "evil" myself, since what it means to 
everyone is too vague. I would define the Jihadis as aggressive, malign, 
expansionism. Did western nations do this until recently? Hell, yes. The point 
is not to paper over the aggression done to expand the faith and enable a 
caliphate. Not to empower these aggressors, these new colonials. What about 
remediations for all this, I have a couple of vague ideas on what may work, 
circulated here before. Baring this or some other ideas, I suppose we all must 
play the hand we're dealt. 

-----Original Message-----
From: 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, Jan 24, 2015 3:37 pm
Subject: RE: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

From: everything-list@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of John Clark
Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 10:58 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Why was nobody murdered because of this cartoon?

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 12:08 PM, spudboy100 via Everything List 
<everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:


> Yes, John, Chris P. is invoking imaginary Muslims who do not really exist in 
> fact, but he desperately, wants to believe they do exist in real life. Chris 
> P. is like many people, including world leaders like BHO who ideologically(?) 
> will never concede that the majority of the Uma*, are fanatics, or silent in 
> the face of fanaticism. Why are these folks this way? My best guess, is that 
> they see that:

a) the radical islamists are winning. And they'd better not speak up just in 

b) the ruling classes in the west, are weak-minded, or hungry for Islamic oil 
monies. So thus are cowards.

c) Allah, might be on the side of the jihadists, so they, the uma, had better 
say nothing.


I think western progressive liberals fail to speak out against a evil force 
that threatens their very core values for none of the above reasons, I think 
they do it because they've been sold a bill of goods, the idea that a criticism 
of any religion means that you are a racist (even though no religion is a race) 
and thus a terrible human being. I don't know exactly how they did it but 
somehow the world's religious franchises, and especially Islam, managed to pull 
off the most successful advertising campaign in history, corporations can only 
dream of having PR that good! Imagine how great it would be for the company if 
people felt that anybody who criticizes McDonalds must, by the very definition, 
be a racist. 
John you are mistaken in framing it in terms of good versus evil, when what is 
driving behavior is, if anything ignorance. Ignorance and the types of social 
cultural results that ignorance promotes is the real underlying issue. It has 
been -- quite correctly IMO -- said that ignorance is the tap root of evil; 
evil is ignorance manifest. 

  John K Clark


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