Hi Liz,

The guy was a computer sci dude before he shifted to philosophy. He's a phil 
prof at William Patterson University, in New Jersey, the States. He has 
downloadable papers at his Ericsteinhart.com website, and is view-able with 
short lectures, no longer than 7 minutes on Youtube, usually about 5 minutes. 
This is what makes his ideas so valid, I think, the compsci stuff, because 
increasing, the astronomers and physicists are getting down to explaining their 
discoveries with comp sci/math/ yadda yadda. I have butchered his ideas, to 
suit my own goals regarding mortality (he may not agree with me!) and 
intellectually, he is all over the place from atheism to pantheism to 
polytheism, to a sort of selective monotheism. Dude likes a form a Buddhism for 

His Revision theory of Resurrection is that your own life becomes a basis for a 
new one in a new universe, that's better, but no memories-identity passes 
through, but its better for your clone. I say, meh! Lose identity, lose 
leanings. This is also much closer in nature to Everett's MWI which splits our 
existence, as observers among electrons and photons. To that: By the way, how 
is Liz number 345,765,098,265 doing after she decided to move to Alaska, for 
the weather (blink blink!)??  Clones and more clones, meh!  Steinhart has a 
much better answer (in my opinion) with his Promotion theory. He has analyzed 
what the cosmology would mean, for mind, conscious, the creator(s), and it 
breaks down to what Bruno likes, maths-arithmetic, cellular automata, programs, 
subroutines, processes, pipelines, promoting, data transfer, digital, analog, 
whatever else. He is not the first guy to think about this, Claude Shannon, Von 
Newmann, Conrad Zuse, Juergen Schmidhuber, Fredkin, Moravec, Tegmark, but he is 
perhaps the most logical, and thorough. Yes, he can be wrong, but for me, at 
the worst he may be like a broken wind up clock, correct at least twice per 
day. I think that after 6 or 7 billion people alive in one generation, we the 
people (species) may have an interesting and correct answer here. 

And yes, it's still above my intellectual pay grade. 


-----Original Message-----
From: LizR <lizj...@gmail.com>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, Apr 6, 2015 11:41 pm
Subject: Re: The Object

That all sounds very plausible to me. (Although sadly my pay grade doesn't 
match that fact.)  
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