More from those crazy mathematicians

Mathematicians weren’t sure that the monster group actually existed, but
> they knew that if it did exist, it acted in special ways in particular
> dimensions, the first two of which were 1 and 196,883.

On 8 April 2015 at 14:26, spudboy100 via Everything List <> wrote:

> Ha! I can believe that a hypercomputing lobian machine can zip through the
> platonic realities that likely exist, but I must say professor Marchal,
> that experiencing mathematics at the chalk board, my dendrites do not
> function as well as your own. I will say the obvious that my neurological
> wiring must have been sub par when attempting to learn and, equally,
> important, memorize the patterns that mathematics involves. Memorize the
> patterns, then plug in whatever numbers. I believe that maths teachers run
> into differences in human neurobiology, rather than bad teaching skills or
> lazy students, or whatever excuse. Thus, being able to learn mathematics is
> truly a gift, and is not bestowed on everyone.
> Sent from AOL Mobile Mail
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruno Marchal <>
> To: everything-list <>
> Sent: Tue, Apr 7, 2015 03:01 PM
> Subject: Re: The Object
>  On 07 Apr 2015, at 20:19, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:
>  I know people who do math really well, I am eternally envious.
>  Math is the easiest branch to understand; it needs only works to get the
> results of the others. I think Gauss said that, and I agree, but
> unfortunately math is also used as a modern technic for torturing the kids,
> and it indeed makes people believe that it needs some gift or superiority
> to appreciate them. Something a bit like that, plus chance, might be needed
> to be creative and find a solution of an open problem, but to understand
> the works of the other, you can always find a path which suits you, if you
> are patient enough.
>  The task of proving a new interesting theorem can be gigantic, but the
> beauty does not reside in that, the beauty are in the results. Only by
> being in love with some collection of results, you can develop familiarity
> and by chance see a relation missed by your colleagues and "masters".
>  What is it that you don't understand in math?
>  If you work enough you can understand that all machines can understand
> and explore the mathematical reality, and that there is for every taste:
> the Baroque, the Jazzy, the Classical, the Romantic, the Dramatic, the
> Comical, the Thrilling, etc. It is is huge, and if computationalism is
> true, just by being, you already solve a math problem.
>  The feudalism thing is likely correct but beyond this specific
> discussion. They are winning and we are not. I add, sigh!
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: LizR <>
> To: everything-list <>
> Sent: Tue, Apr 7, 2015 1:11 am
> Subject: Re: The Object
>  By the way, the phrase "above my paygrade" was invented by someone less
> intelligent than you to keep you in your place, at least until they get
> around to reintroducing full scale feudalism.
>  Well said Liz.
>  Bruno
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