On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​> ​
> "you" refer to the guy in Helsinki, and its copies which are in W and M.

​Ok good, this time ​Bruno Marchal correctly wrote W *AND* M.

> ​> ​
> But, in Helsinki, the question is about what you
> ​ [​
> the guy in Helsinki, and its copies which are in W* and* M
> ​]​
> expect to live

​Then obviously "you" ​
​would expect to live in ​
W* and* M
​, provided that "you" was rational, if not then all bets are off as to
what "you" would expect. Not that expectations, correct ones or incorrect
ones, have anything to do with consciousness or the unique feeling of self.

> ​> ​
> as next first person experience.

​Bruno forgot a "s", if should be "​
next first person experience
​*s*" ​

> ​> ​
> And here computationalism provides the solution: it can only be one
> experience among W and M.

​What does the pronoun "it" in the above refer to? I suspect the answer is
one experience among W and M
​" in which case I agree, ​
one experience among W and M
​  ​can only be
one experience among W and M

> ​> ​
> a computer in one room cannot get the information of another computer in
> another room without being connected to it.

​If 2 computers are the same and start running the same program at the same
time then they don't need to be connected and exchange information in order
to be synchronized. That's why talk about telepathy is ridiculous. ​

​> ​
> You are in W and you are in M, but that say nothing about the subjective
> first person experience, which is what we are looking about in step 3.

​That is true, ​step 3 is indeed about looking for the subjective
person experience
​ after the duplication has occurred, and that is exactly why I refuse to
read step 4. There is no such thing as *THE *future
first person experience
​, there is only *a* ​
first person experience

​> ​
> You have agreed that their subjective experiences, being in M and being
> in W, have become incompatible.

​They are incompatible with each other but neither is incompatible with the
Helsinki Man (aka you).    ​

> ​> ​
> a child can see that they all agrees with the W v M prediction

​Then get that child to fix step 3 for you, after the kid has corrected
your errors then I'll read ​step 4.

​  John K Clark​

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