On 19 Oct 2015, at 04:29, John Clark wrote:

On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 4:47 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​​>> ​A simulation is never 100% accurate,

​> ​This not correct. In Virtue of the digitalness, a simulation can be 100% accurate,

​Only if the numbers a computer uses are actual numbers not simulated numbers.​

​> ​notably when simulating a digital process.

​Then it's not a simulated ​digital process​, it's just a ​ digital process​.

You confuse levels. You confuse phi_u(x, y) with phi_r(u (x, y)). In arithmetic all emulation of programs exists, and all emulation of such emulation also exists, and are different computations.

(Using the standrad sense of computation, of course, and not your particular physicalist redefinition of the term).

​> ​There is word for "100% accurate simulation", we call that an emulation. The models of RA emulates all computations.

​Don't tell me this wonderful news tell INTEL, their stock price will skyrocket! And I own some INTEL stock.

You have repeated this straw man argument a lot, but it is valid only for a notion of computation which begs the questions in which we are interested. You add systematically "only when God made it", at the exact place we cannot use God.

You do bad theology, like some fundamentalist. you invent a God to prevent research. Like I said, you are a fundamentlist Aristotelians. You don't do science, you preach.

​>​You can emulate in algol a fortran computation of the factorial function. It will be 100 % accurate

​It will be 100% crap unless the Algol or FORTRAN program is running on a computer made of matter that obeys the laws of physics. ​

False. Physics has no relevance at all here. What I said is true in both the case where the Algol interpreter or compiler run in a model of arithmetic, or in a primitive physical reality.

​> ​This does not make possible to extract the computations result directly, as we live in a physical reality, and must implement the computations in the physical reality to get that effect.

​Why on earth would that be?? If the emulation is perfect and physical reality is of only of secondary importance and is being emulated by mathematics then we live in mathematical reality too. So why can't we extract the results of computations directly?

Because that would be magical. Even in arithmetic, the self-aware entities are confronted to a non trivial physical reality, and despite living in arithmetic (more exactly in its FPI limiting "border") they have to implement in their own "real-time and space" what they want to be able to access in their own "real-time-and space".

To extract physics is about equivalent with explaining why we can't access all the arithmetical truth at once, despite being emergent entities there.

​> ​that relative emulation of that process is emulated itself infinitely often in arithmetic.

​If physics is being emulating by arithmetic

That might not necessarily happens. Comp (+ the idea that my generalized brain is not the entire physical reality) predicts that physics is NOT emulable in arithmetic. By the invariance of the first person for the delay of reconstitution made by the universal dovetailer, the observable here-and-now depends on infinities of computations, that we can not emulate in arithmetic, despite they emerge from the arithmetical truth (which is far beyond the sigma_1 emulable part of arithmetic).

then we who live in the physical world are being emulating by arithmetic​ too​

All our dreams, but never the physical reality. I don't expect you to swallow this as this use the FPI (and thus step 3).

and should be able to make arbitrarily large calculations instantly.

Yes, comp predicted that this is possible, and that is what happens when we exploits the infinities of computations below our subst-level, like in continuous quantum algorithm. Comp predicted such type of infinite computations, but I thought (wrongly) that QM+relativity forbids it, until the day I realize that QM does not need the wave collapse. But that is true only when we exploits what comp predicts can be "seen" below of substitution level.

If however its the other way around and physics is emulating arithmetic then it would be easy to explain why we can't make such calculations.

Yes, but we can. It is the comp-computations, or quantum computations. the computations which relies on the primitive matter, defined here by the "mess" below our substitution level, and which determines the domain of what I call the global FPI, and which is given by the logics S4Grz1, Z1* and X1*, when we do the math. And it works up to now, as we get the non trivial quantization on the sigma_1-sentences (the arithmetic Universal Dovetailer).



​> ​here you make a constant confusion of level

​You can't make up your mind if X is emulating Y or Y is emulating X and I'm the one who makes "​a constant confusion of level​s"?​

​> ​You confess having not read the works,

​Bragged would be a better word than "confessed", only a fool would keep reading a proof after he found a error.​

​> ​You involve yourself into an ontological commitment (that is religion)

Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never heard that one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.

​> ​You proceed like a creationist,

Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never heard that one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.

​> ​I did not ever dreamed about someone confirming so well that strong non-agnostic materialist atheism belong to fundamentalist religion.

Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never heard that one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.​

     John K Clark​

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