On 6/06/2016 9:24 am, Brent Meeker wrote:
On 6/5/2016 4:05 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
I don't think anyone (except Joy Christian) argues that Bell's theorem does not apply in MWI - I certainly don't think that.

That was the central argument that sought to establish that MWI was local -- MWIers claim that Bell assumed something in his proof that does not hold in MWI, so the theorem does not apply to MWI. The conclusion they want to draw is that since the Bell inequalities are inapplicable in MWI, observation of violations of the inequalities can not be interpreted as evidence of non-locality. I think that argument is dead -- Bell did not assume counterfactual definiteness,

I guess it depends on what fact you counter. Even if the hidden variable is probabilistic, its the realized random value that is shared by the particles and so that's implicitly assuming counterfactual definiteness at the hidden variable level: if the random value had been something else the measurement values would be something different.

That is built into the generic concept of hidden variables that Bell uses -- they can (probabilistically) take on a range of values, and the measurement results will depend on what value they have in any particular instance. There is no assumption of conterfactual definiteness embedded here, or anywhere else for that matter. (Other than the bland statement that if things had been different, things would have been different!)


and even if he did, that would not have affected his proof. Also, he did not need to assume that experiments had only one result -- the theorem applies to correlations between decohered experimental results, and thus applies equally to all branches of the wave function (if you want to think in MWI terms).



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