On Thu, Jul 7, 2016  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​>> ​
>> I can stop here.

​> ​
> That is probably wise.

​But deep down John Clark knew Bruno Marchal wouldn't stop here, John Clark
knew Bruno Marchal wouldn't be wise. ​

> > ​
> but apparently once you get that there is no problem with the pronouns and
> name,

​ ​
When names are substituted for personal pronouns the
​ ​
vapidness of the "proof" becomes obvious and the entire argument falls to
pieces. All Bruno Marchal has done in
​ ​
Bruno Marchal's "proof" is to sweep metaphysical puzzles under a rug made
of nothing but personal pronouns.

> ​> ​
> you just came back to your oldest strategy (faking a confusion between 1p
> and 3p points of view

​On the contrary there is no confusion, Bruno Marchal's error is crystal
 Bruno Marchal
​ thinks that by defining "1p" as "I" and "I" as "1p", and by defining "3p"
as "he" and "he" as "3p" great philosophical progress has been made.​

> ​> ​
> That strategy has already been debunked more than one times by many people
> on this list.


> ​> ​
> It would be most boring to make another tour.

​And yet no doubt you (Mr. 3p) will.​

> ​> ​
> Of course if any one else has still a problem with the first person
> indeterminacy
> ​ [...]​
​Nor does Mr. 1p have a problem with it.  I (or Mr. 1p) have no problem
whatsoever with ​
first person indeterminacy
​ and never have​
​, for as far back as I ​(or Mr. 1p) can remember I (or Mr. 1p) have been
unable to always know what would happen next.

> ​> ​
> at this point, without further motivation to do so, I will not add anything

​You (or Mr. 3p) haven't added anything in a very long time.​


 John K Clark

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