On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 4:01 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​> ​
> You repeat your confusion between 3p and 3-1p.

​Confusion? We're not talking about Tensor Calculus here! Is there anybody
on the face of this planet that is confused by the difference between "I"
and "you"? ​

​> ​
> We have debunked your strategies,


> ​> ​
> showing that the proof was fine

​If the proof was fine you could replace all the personal pronouns in it
with proper nouns; you tried to do that a few posts ago but gave up after
my first challenge when it became obvious the "proof" was crumbling apart.

> ​> ​
> It is plain obvious that WvM is confirmed by all 1p copies,

​It most certainly is NOT ​confirmed if you call "
all 1p copies
​" by the name they call themselves, John Clark. ​That's why Bruno Marchal
insists on calling them "you" or "he", personal pronouns are a great place
to hide fuzzy thinking.

> ​> ​
> You deny
> ​t​
> he simplest point of the UDA.

​That's because "simple" can have 2 meanings, it can also mean stupid.​

​> ​
> And by the way, you have took some times to criticize the step 7

​If you put a gun to my head I couldn't tell you what step 7 is.​

​> ​
> your religious materialist belief

 Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never heard
that one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.

​ John K Clark​

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