On 11 Jul 2016, at 18:56, smitra wrote:

On 11-07-2016 13:49, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 11/07/2016 9:31 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
A guy undergoes the Washington Moscow duplication, starting again
from Helsinki.
Then in Moscow, but not in Washington, he (the one in Moscow of
course) undergoes a similar Sidney-Beijing duplication.
I write P(H->M) the probability in H to get M.
In Helsinki, he tries to evaluate his chance to get Sidney.
With one reasoning, he (the H-guy) thinks that P(H-M) = 1/2, and
that P(M-S) = 1/2, and so conclude (multiplication of independent
probability) that P(H-S) = 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4.
But with another reasoning, he thinks that the duplications give
globally a triplication, leading eventually to a copy in W, a copy
in S and a copy in B, and so, directly conclude P(H-S) = 1/3.
So, is it 1/4 or 1/3 ?
Neither. The probability that the guy starting from Helsinki gets to
Sydney is unity. This is the problem with probabilities in the MWI --
how do you interpret probabilities when all possible outcomes occur
with probability one?
In duplication experiments the prior probability to exist at all in any of the possible states increases after the duplication, while in unitary QM this is conserved (except if one or more of the possible outcomes is death).

It is plausibly conserved with Mechanism too, if the arithmetical quantum logics (the one extracted from Z1*, or X1*, or S4Grz1) justifies the linear rule Y = II. And normally, if QM is empirically correct, and computationalism is correct, they should match.

The correct way to analyze Bruno style duplication arguments is to start with assigning some measure m to the observer before any duplication is carried out, in this case the observer at H.

The probabilities are relative, and conditioned implicitly by P(H) = 1.

Then H gives rises to two copies in states W and M (we can call them copies, but they are actually different observers as they have different memories stored in their brains, so they are different algorithms).

They are the same programs, but with different input. By the SMN theorem, you *can* conceive them as different programs. OK.

The measures will be m for each of these observers. Then W is not going to be copied, while M gives rise to S and B, so we end up with 3 observers each with measure m. The probability is thus 1/3.

That is the correct answer .... if the guy remains unconscious in Moscow. But I doubt it is 1/3 in case he does wake up. In that case I would say it is 1/4. (To be sure, I use Gödel-Löb and self-reference, which works only for the case P=1, already non trivial, and quantum- like, to avoid such probability question which are premature, but we can also speculate a bit).

In an analogue MWI setting, the outcome is different, at each duplication the measure for a particular outcome is halved. W thus has a measure of m/2, while S and B each have a measure of m/4, the probability is thus 1/4.

Hmm... I would like to see the analogue. I think the devil is in the details here. The analogue of letting the Moscow guy unconscious is the interference when we don't make a measurement at some intermediate state of a quantum computation (say).

My opinion is P(H->S) = 1/4, if the guy in Moscow remains awake, and P(H->S) = 1/3 if he remains unconscious there.



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