On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 , Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com> wrote:

> ​> ​
> I am sick of
> ​ ​
> playing the game

​Yes I know you said that before, but then why do you continue to play it?​

> what I mean by "this game" is the game of
> ​
> arguing about the validity of the UDA (and please spare me from your
> ​
> usual jokes where you go to wikipedia looking for meaning of the
> ​
> acronym. Yes yes it's super funny).

I'll tell you what I'm sick of, I'm not sick of arguing with you, that's
fun, but I'm sick of Bruno's acting as if his silly homemade acronyms
should be well known to every educated person when even Google doesn't know
what the hell he's talking about. I'm also sick of pretending that
substituting "1p" for "me" and "3p" for "you" is a great scientific

​> ​
> This is your usual modus operandi and I am sick of it.

​You already said that more than once​, and I already asked why you
continue doing something you're sick of.

> ​> ​
> you argue in bad faith.

I then to think all faith is bad but perhaps I could figure out that you're
taking about if you gave a specific example rather than vague generalities.

> ​> ​
> it is precisely
> ​ ​
> what makes you a religious fundamentalist. Just because your religion
> ​ ​
> has no name, doesn't mean that it does not exist.I'll spare you the
> trouble and paste you usual bromide. Here you go:

"Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never
> heard that one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12."

​Thank you that was thoughtful because between you and Bruno my rubber
stamp is getting ​a bit worn so I'll make you a deal, stop using your
rubber stamp insult stamp and I'll stop using my rubber stamp response

​> ​
> This is precisely the sort of manipulative bullshit that religious
> ​ ​
> people use.

Oh dear, I've got to use my rubber stamp yet again::​

Wow, calling a guy known for disliking religion religious, never
​ ​
heard that one before, at least I never heard it before I was 12.

> ​> ​
> You argue in bad faith

​You already said that and I already requested a specific example.​

> ​> ​
> you destroy honest discussion to score
> ​ ​i
> nternet points you bully people that were nothing but nice to
> ​
> you.

​If somebody is talking nonsense it makes no difference if they are nice to
me or not, it's still nonsense. And pointing out logical inconsistencies is
not bullying, it's critical thinking.

 John K Clark


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