On 6 May 2017 11:04 p.m., "Brent Meeker" <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

On 5/6/2017 2:45 PM, David Nyman wrote:

On 6 May 2017 10:16 p.m., "Brent Meeker" <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

On 5/6/2017 12:59 PM, David Nyman wrote:

On 6 May 2017 8:08 p.m., "Brent Meeker" <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

On 5/6/2017 1:49 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

> Exactly why I used arithmetic as the example.  Arithmetic, according to
>>>> your theory of consciousness, is independent of perception and physics.
>>>> Conscious thoughts, beliefs are entailed by arithmetic and so should be
>>>> independent of tequila.
>>> That does not follow. Even Robinso Arithmetic can prove that a machine
>>> drinking some amount of tequila will prove anything.
>> That would be impressive.  Is this proof published?
> It is trivial. RA computes all states reaction in all computational
> histories. RA is a universal dovetailer, to be short. In the simulation of
> tequila + brain, people get drunk.

That's what I was afraid of.  Your theory successfully predicts it because
it predicts "everything", including people drink tequila and don't get

Yes, but the key is the measure, isn't it. Everett also predicts that
everything consistent with QM happens. Somehow this leads to a
probabilistic account of what to expect. We know the math but we don't know
the reason. You're no doubt bored with my banging on about Hoyle, but I
must say that his is so far the only metaphor that has ever conveyed to me
how something could be both certain and uncertain depending on one's point
of view. So I think it's far too tricksy to say that comp predicts
everything (or Everett, or eternal inflation for that matter). The key is
the measure and how that measure discriminates between the typical, the
unusual, and the downright weird. Open problem, sure, but hardly an empty
or pointless one.

But that's what I mean when I say Bruno's theory has no predictive
success.  QM (and Everett) would correctly predict that alcohol molecules
in the blood will interfere with neuronal function and THEN invoking the
physicalist theory of mind, i.e. that mind supervenes on material events,
it predicts that your ability to do arithmetic will be impaired by drinking
tequila.  It will NOT predict the contrary with more than infinitesimal
probability.  So it's misdirection to say that it's just a measure
problem.  Without having the right measure a probabilistic theory is just
fantasy...or magic as Bruno would say.

I have no idea why you say that. I thought it was clear that if
computationalism doesn't (ultimately) predict that its predominating
computational mechanism (i.e. the one effectively self-selected by complex
subjects, in this case, like ourselves) is the physics those selfsame
subjects observe,

That would certainly be an accomplishment - which in another post Bruno
says is trivially accomplished even in RA (I don't see it).  But to succeed
in prediction it is not enough to show that some world exists in which mind
and physics are consistent (that the physics that mind infers is also the
real physics that predicts effects on the mind).  You need also to show
this has large measure relative to contrary worlds.  One can make a logic
chopping argument that it must be that way for otherwise minds would not be
making sense of the physics they perceived - but that makes the whole
computational argument otiose.

I've been thinking a bit more about this and I'd like to set out some
further tentative remarks about the above. Your professional expertise in
these matters is orders of magnitude greater than mine and consequently any
comments you might make would be very helpful. By the way, it would also be
helpful if you would read beyond the next paragraph before commenting
because I hope I will come by myself to the fly in the ointment.

Firstly, and "assuming computationalism" on the basis of CT + YD, we are
led to the view that UD* must include all possible "physical" computational
continuations (actually infinitely reiterated). This of course is also to
assume that all such continuations are finitely computable (i.e. halting).
Now, again on the same assumptions, it might seem reasonable that our
observing such a physics in concrete substantial form is evidence of its
emergence (i.e. epistemologically) as the predominant computational
mechanism underlying those very perceptions. Hence it might seem equally
reasonable to conclude that this is the reason that these latter
correspondingly appear to supervene on concrete physical manifestations in
their effective environment.

Now wait a minute. We cannot escape the question of measure. Why would it
be reasonable to assume that a physics of this sort should predominate in
the manner outlined above? Well, firstly, it would seem that the generator
of the set of possible physical computations is infinitely reiterative​ and
hence very robust (both in the sense of computational inclusiveness a la
step 7, and that of internal self-consistency). But who is to say that the
generators of "magical" or simply inconsistent continuations aren't equally
or even more prevalent? After all we're dealing with a Library of Babel
here and the Vast majority of any such library is bound to be gibberish.
Well, I'm wondering​ about an analogy with Feynman's path integral idea
(comments particularly appreciated here). Might a kind of least action
principle be applicable here, such that internally consistent computations
self-reinforce, whereas inconsistent ones in effect self-cancel?

Also, absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. I'm thinking here
about the evaluation of what we typically remember having experienced. I
can't help invoking Hoyle here again (sorry). Subjectively speaking,
there's a kind of struggle always in process between remembering and
forgetting. So on the basis suggested above, and from the abstract point of
view of Hoyle's singular agent (or equally Bruno's virgin machine),
inconsistent paths might plausibly tend to result, in effect, in a net
(unintelligible) forgetting and contrariwise, self-consistent paths might
equally plausibly result in a net (intelligible) remembering. I'm speaking
of consistent and hence intelligible "personal histories" here. But perhaps
you would substitute "implausibly" above. Anyway, your comments as ever
particularly appreciated.

So this is all very general and no doubt hand-wavy, but it's what occurred
to me today whilst reflecting on our present discussion from the
perspective of a sunny cafe on the Sicilian coast (sad, isn't it?).


That's how it is similar to the Boltzmann brain problem.  I think Sean
Carroll has solved the Boltzmann brain problem, but there is still some

then it must fail. In effect, at that point we would have arrived at a
notion of computation that did indeed appear to supervene on objects in the
effective physical environment, albeit qua computatio, as Bruno was wont to
say. Hence if the physical brain got plastered, so would the mind
apparently supervening on it.

That's true in this world...one among infinitely many.


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