On 01 Jun 2017, at 02:26, Bruce Kellett wrote:

On 1/06/2017 4:43 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 31 May 2017, at 04:01, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 30/05/2017 9:35 pm, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 30 May 2017, at 11:28, Telmo Menezes wrote:

I get your point with decoherence.
Again, I would say that it all depends on theories of mind. What does mind supervene on? Perhaps it is true that every single coupling with
the environment prevents the current observer state to become
compatible with other branches. But can we be sure? I feel that such certainties come from a strong belief in emergentism (which I cannot
disprove, but find problematic).

It is impossible to recohere the past, FAPP.

But only FAPP. To make the blue T-rex interfereing with the red-T- rex, we must erase the trace of particle interaction between the T-rex in its whole light-cone, and this without forgetting the particles "swallowed" by the black-holes, etc. It is just completely impossible, but to derive from that the unicity of the past, is, it seems to me (and you if I understood well) is invalid.

I think the recoherence of paths that have completely decohered is more than just FAPP impossible, I think it is impossible in principle. One major problem with recoherence in general is that information leaks from the paths at the speed of light (as well as less slowly for other interactions). Since this vital information goes out along the light cone, it can never be recaptured and returned to the original interaction.

In QM + special relativity OK. (note that to me QM + special relativity => no collapse (and even the Many dreams, but we have agreed to disagree on this if I remember well).

Reasoning in QM without SR is not very profitable. Besides, QM + SR does not particularly imply MWI -- it is perfectly possible to have a consistent collapse model of QM+SR. I know you don't agree because of the non-locality implied by EPR, but this non-locality is not removed in MWI, regardless of what you might say.

I don't see it, and the mast time we discuss this, we conclude on some vocabulary problem. When there is no collapse, measurement tells to people light separated in which branch theiy belongs, but to exploits that information, they need to come into contact.

Consequently, indispensable phase information is lost *in principle*, so the recoherence is, in general, impossible.

OK. (I was reasoning in naive classical QM)

Of course, with carefully constructed systems, where the loss of information along the light cone is prevented, recoherence is possible in special circumstances, but not in general.

From this, the uniqueness of the past of any decoherent history is assured. So deriving the unicity (if I understand this use of the word) is by no means invalid -- it is proved.

In QM + SR. OK.

Even if one encounters one of those rare situations in which recoherence is achieved, that still does not invalidate the uniqueness of the past history -- recoherence, if it occurs, simply means that no new branches are formed at that point, so the decoherent history remains unique.

OK. That might suggest that we identify our indistinguishible past in arithmetic, if we assume mechanism. I use the Y = II principle, or the "quantum" linearity of the tensor product "@": we have that a @ (b + c) = (a @ b) + (a @ c).

That makes sense.

Linearity is the heart of QM. It is linearity that allows superpositions, and leads to all the "quantum weirdness".

I agree. Both "linearities" (the quantum evolution, and the tensor products).

FWIW, you
are expressing my own understanding of the situation: there can be no superposition of red and green screens or dinosaurs, or dead and live cats, because there can be no quantum superposition of macroscopic objects. Superpositions of wave functions are only possible for systems isolated from interaction with their environment, which is why quantum computers are so fricking hard to make: keeping aggregates of particles isolated from interactions with the surrounding environment is exponentially more
difficult as the system grows in size.

The main question for me is this: can two branches hold different
observer states, if they differ only by things that are not

I would say no, intuitively. I would even say "no" just for the things not observed, even when observable.

I previously answered Telmo's question in the affirmative, viz., two fully decohered branches will hold different observer states, even if the differences are not observed or observable. So if some trivial physical event happens to your body, such as the decay of a K 40 nucleus in your foot, this would not be noticeable, or even particularly observable even if you were looking for it. But such an event causes at least two branches to form every instant -- one in which the decay has occurred, and one in which it has not. And since this is a beta decay, a neutrino is lost along the light cone in every case of decay. Perfect recombination of the branches is, then, according to the above argument, not possible. You might object that this decay in my toe did not alter my conscious state -- that is correct, but there are now two copies of the Moscow man as in step 3,

My mistake here - I misremembered step 3. Moscow is a target, not the origin. I should have said two copies of the Helsinki man.

But those state difference are accessible to the observers, and indeed, only this makes the analogy with step 3 working.

In MWI, the differences are not observable by anyone. Any observer has access to only one branch, so only one copy. They can say nothing about the other branch.

The difference are not observable, but are very gross, like seeing a cat dead, or alive. Linearity prevent any direct view of that difference, but it exists, when we assume QM (and non collapse).

With computationalism, the two identical states at the correct susbt-level, if never distinguishable, will not add ways to the probabilities (that would entail that a computer with double cable would have a higher probability). The measure remains on the first person view, which eventually needs the self-referential definition. usually I just say that if in step 3 you add a reconsitution box in Moscow, exactly identical, the P(W) remains equal to 1/2, but a slight difference in the future histories of the two guy in Moscow, will changes the probability into 1/3 (but that is a typical open problem).

I suspect that this follows from my mistake about which man was duplicated. I did not mean that there was a duplication *after* the initial formation of two branches.

and these can evolve in different directions while each remains unaware of the existence of the other. They can never recombine and compare diaries!


But this has to be tempered by the fact that any interaction will count as an observation, making super-exponentially hard to indeed recover a macroscopic superposition in the past, even the very close past. Of course, that might change the day we succeed in building a fault tolerant (topological perhaps) quantum computer.

That will not help in the general case. Our future quantum computer might be able to delay decoherence for some useful finite time, but that still only retaines the superposition in the said computer, it does not help with recombination of decohered branches in general.

In general no. But I was in a thought experiment in classical QM, with some T-rex having isolated a quantum qubit.

Unfortunately, the T-rex missed them. yet, if a T-rex made a solid topological quantum qubit, in the state 0+1, we would have a past with 0, and a past with 1, as long as we don't look at it. I read, already a long time ago, some experimental evidence of temporal Bell's inequality going in this direction, and I think we don't even need to test them, as we get them with the usual Bell's inequality violation, if we accept special relativity (and some amount of physical realism (not the full materialism, to be sure).

The temporal version of Bell's inequality simply shows that the ubiquitous non-locality of quantum entanglement occurs even over time. And despite your protestations to the contrary, it is now generally accepted that MWI does not remove the essential non- locality associated with entangled states.

Of course, it assures them in all branches, where indeed Aspect like experiences can be made. It seems to me that we did agree on this: that non-locality does not entail any physical influence in the past. That does happen in the unique universe view though; even if there is no possible communication of information is done.

Non-locality means that there is no physical transfer of information, but that there is non-physical(non-local) transfer of information. But this information transfer cannot be used for signalling. Signalling is possible only with actual; physical transfer, a consequence of SR and the fact that 'information' is physical.

So we agree. Yet, with unicity of outcomes assumed for measurement, we still cannot signal, but must assume some "reduction of a wave packet at a distance", or super-deterministic conspiracies.

This non-locality is even more evident in the more recent delayed choice experiments that use entangled photons to manipulate photon polarization states non-locally.

I have no problem with one-branch observable, apparent, non-locality.
I have a problem only with the action at a distance that you need in case you assume one contextually well defined physical reality.

Non-locality is not removed in MWI as you appear to believe.

In the sense above, you are right. I was juste arguing against John Clarks idea that the Bell's inequality violation introduce physical action at a distance, even with the MWI.

There are two things:

1) no influence at a distance,
2) no signaling at a distance.

With QM-without collapse, there is no influence at a distance. The no- locality above is explained without them. With QM+ collapse, there is no signaling at a distance, but there is an influence at a distance.

For me the abandon of the collapse is the solution of the EPR "paradox", and Aspect experience is somehow the confirmation of our belonging to macrosuperposition.

The non-local (paradoxical) nature of EPR remains even without collapse.

I know some claims this, but I have never sen a proof. All proofs relies on unicity of the outcome of some experiences.

As on the previous occasion we discussed this, you were unable to demonstrate where the notion of 'collapse' is used in Bell's theorem - all Bell requires is that measurements give results, and that is what the whole of physics is based on: in MWI as well as in any other interpretation.

We did eventually agree. May be reread those post. Bell's supposed that when the two measurement are done, Alice and Bob get a precise answer, which makes no sense without-collapse. Alice and Bob get *all* (always correlated) answers, but when light-separated, it make no sense to compare them. They can only make comparison with the person accessible in their light cone, where the contagious superposition spread out.



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