On 02 Jun 2017, at 04:06, Bruce Kellett wrote:

<snip> (answered in my previous post).

In quantum mechanics, this change is brought about by the unitary processes of decoherence,

As Everett explains well, and suggest already this makes any influence at a distance only apparent, but never real. Einstein can sleep well.

and the non-unitary trace over the environmental degrees of freedom.

Which reflects only, in the MWI, the contagion of the superposition to the environment.

This is an essential difference between classical and quantum physics, and the necessity for this non-unitary reduction of the pure state to a mixture is ultimately why MWI is actually no better at explaining quantum measurement than are the collapse models.

Only if you interpret the decoherence as a physical phenomenon, but then we get non unitary evolution in Nature, and -quantum mechanics- without collapse is false.

Are you suggesting that decoherence is *not* a physical phenomenon?

I am saying that the first person seeing mixed states is a first person valid seeing from its "personal branch" perspective, but there is no definite outcome in the third person view we can have on the wave or the formalism.

Decoherence and the pure-to-mixed transition do indeed say that MWI is strictly false -- you need non-unitary additions.


Only the collapse, if real, needs to falsify the unitarity of the evolution.

The question is, what determined (from the 3p view) that the universe followed that particular path and not any of the others?

Why do you reject out of hand that the universe might be probabilistic? It is possible 'nothing' determined which path from the possibilities was actually followed. All that is known are the probabilities for each path. We do not know that the other paths are followed, either 1p or 3p.

In QM, we do have evidences that many path are taken all together. if only the two slits.

That is not really a relevant comment. Quantum mechanics is characterized by the presence of superpositions -- that is what makes the theory work, and why it is so different from classical physics. Superpositions generally represent pure states, and these must be reduced to mixed states by the measurement process.

Without collapse, that never happens.

So your non-collapse theory is immediately falsified by every quantum experiment ever performed.

It is falsified only if you take a definite outcome as being absolute and not branch relative.



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