On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 3:17 PM, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

​>> ​
>> The MWI people don't have to assume anything because
>> ​there is absolutely nothing in ​t
>> he Schrodinger
>> ​Wave ​E
>> quation
>> ​ about collapsing, its the Copenhagen people who have to assume that
>> somehow it does. ​
> ​> ​
> It's not just an assumption.  It's an observation.  The SE alone didn't
> explain the observation, hence the additional ideas.

​ ​
only assumption the MWI makes is that the Schrodinger Wave Equation
​ ​
is correct, and the
​ ​
Schrodinger Wave Equation
​ ​
says it never collapses.
​So if we accept that it is indeed correct then observation​ leads us to
conclude that the Multiverse must exist.
The only reason the Copenhagen people assume the SWE is not correct is
because they don't like the Multiverse, although they are unable to
pinpoint where it goes wrong, they wave their hands and use vague words
like "observation" and "measurement" but can't say exactly what it takes to
do either.  Copenhagen starts
with the assumption there is no Multiverse and then
to work backward to jury-rig
​the ​
equation to keep the parts they like but get rid of the Multiverse, but
they've made a
​dog's breakfast out of it. ​

  John K Clark

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