On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 1:16 PM, <agrayson2...@gmail.com> wrote:

​> ​
> Since your conclusions seem immensely more bizarre than collapse of the wf,
> ​ ​
> your interpretation of what the SE means must be in error.

It's a matter of taste I suppose. To me everything that can happen does
happen is less bizarre than the future influencing the past and things only
existing when I look at them.
​But it really doesn't matter,​
 as long as there is no logical self contradiction there is nothing wrong
with bizarre
Occam's razor doesn't say we should embrace the least bizarre theory
it says we should embrace the simplest theory
​ one that doesn't need to explain the collapse is simpler than one that

Unlike Copenhagen Many Worlds has no need to  to explain how when or why
the wave function collapse
because the hypothesized collapse has no observable consequences. The wave
collapse is a needless complication that does nothing but get rid of the
multiverse for people who don't like the idea of a multiverse, its wheels
within wheels rather like the epicycles of old for people who didn't like
the idea of the planets going around the Sun rather than the Earth.

The wave function says the multiverse exists, to get rid of it additional
complications are needed and those complications do not improve the ability
to predict experimental results one bit
​, so they have no point.​

​ John K Clark​

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