On Monday, November 5, 2018 at 3:36:59 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 2 Nov 2018, at 15:02, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> On Friday, November 2, 2018 at 3:45:53 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 1 Nov 2018, at 19:43, John Clark <johnk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 2:27 PM Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> *> infinite time Turing machines are more powerful than ordinary Turing 
>>> machines*
>> That is true, it is also true that if dragons existed they would be 
>> dangerous and if I had some cream I could have strawberries and cream, if I 
>> had some strawberries.   
>> *> How  "real" you think this is depends on whether you are a Platonist 
>>> or a fictionalist.*
>> No, it depends on if you think logical contradictions can exist, if they 
>> can then there is no point in reading any mathematical proof and logic is 
>> no longer a useful tool for anything.
>> No Turing machine can solve the halting problem. You are right on this. 
>> But an oracle can, or a machine with infinite speed can.
>> Now, such machine have only be introduced (by Turing) to show that even 
>> such “Turing machine with magical power making them able to solve the 
>> halting problem” are still limited and cannot solve, for example the 
>> totality problem (also an arithmetical). 
>> Turing showed that there is a hierarchy of problem in arithmetic, where 
>> adding magic (his “oracle”) never make any machine complete. It is a way to 
>> show how complex the arithmetical reality is. Adding more and more magical 
>> power does not lead to completeness. 
>> Post and Kleene have related such hierarchies with the number of 
>> alternating quantifiers used in the arithmetical expression. P is a sigma_0 
>> = pi_0 formula, without quantifier.
>> ExP(x, y). Sigma_1 (negation = AxP(x,y) = Pi_1, more complex than 
>> sigma_1, already not computable).
>> ExAyP(x, y, z)  = Sigma_2 (beyond today’s math!) (negation = Pi_2).
>> Etc. 
>> More and more “infinite task” are needed.
>> Note that such magic does not change the “theology”. It remains the same 
>> variants of the Gödel-Löb-Solovay self-reference logics (G and G*).
>> Bruno
> There are other "Turing machine" models other than infinite-time ones 
> people have "invented", e.g.* inductive* Turing machines:
> *Algorithmic complexity as a criterion of unsolvability*
> https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/cd8f/442a9f7667891fff6f276a1bc638dd59b937.pdf
> :
> Let us take an *inductive Turing machine M *that given a description of 
> the Turing machine T and first n + 1 words x0, x1, . . . , xn from the list 
> x0, x1, . . . , xn, . . ., produces the (n + 1)th partial output. This 
> output is equal to 1 when the machine T halts for all words x0, x1, . . . , 
> xn given as its input, and is equal to 0 when the machine T does not halt 
> for, at least, one of these words. In such a way, *the machine M solves 
> the totality problem for Turing machines*.
> ?
> cf.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super-recursive_algorithm#Inductive_Turing_machines
> https://bitrumagora.wordpress.com/about/marl-burgin/
> *Nothing is settled in computing.*
> But this does not clearly violate Church-Thesis. Inference inductive is 
> not the same as computing. We know that there are many different Turing 
> machine, which are not equivalent for proving or inducting, etc. All humans 
> are like that. We are still the same *as* Turing machine (combinators, 
> etc.). Universality is with respect to computing, and is false with 
> everything else. Now, if you add magical, or actual infinities, or oracles, 
> or infinite speed, then you get machine which are no more digital finite 
> machine, and so cannot violate the Church-Turing thesis either. 
> Bruno

>From all the super-Turing math and CS news (I've followed over the years), 
there seems to be a consensus forming:

     *There are no super-Turing computers!* (that can be found in nature or 
manufactured by us)


The only ones are *fictional* ones (the infinite-time and  super-recursive 
ones above).

So that seems to be the consensus.

But I claim an experience-processing computer (like our brain) is not 
super-Turing, but is non-Turing: All *information* it can process is 
Turing-computable, but it also processes *experience*.

- pt

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