On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 2:15 AM Mason Green <masonlgr...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> *> Actually now that I’m thinking about the spring idea some more, it
> seems like you might be right about it not working. Dark energy will change
> the shape of the potential energy/displacement curve for sure, making the
> spring strongly anharmonic. However it doesn’t look like it will result in
> amplitude increase (negative damping) like I thought. However the
> orbiting-spheres system still seems to work,*

If an electrical charge is moving in a circular orbit it is accelerating,
but if that orbit is one that Quantum Mechanics allows it with not radiate
any electromagnetic waves regardless of what Maxwell says. If Dark Energy
enlarges the radius of that quantum allowable orbit I don't know what would
happen, nobody does because nobody has made a link between Quantum
Electrodynamics and General Relativity. However my hunch is it still
wouldn't radiate, after all a electrical charge in a large orbit
accelerates less than one in a small orbit.

> * > As far as cosmological-scale black holes are concerned, I’ve got a
> hunch. I suspect (but cannot prove) that above a certain mass/radius, the
> Hawking temperature of a black hole would start to increase again, due to
> dark energy helping give particles a “push” out of the hole.*

If Dark Energy is constant with time my hunch is it would have little or no
effect on a Black Hole, but if the acceleration is itself accelerating
toward infinity and we're headed for a Big Rip then it's only a matter of
time before Dark Energy would rip everything apart even the most tightly
gravitationally bound objects in the universe, Black Holes. And even
without Dark Energy or the Big Rip Black Holes only have a finite lifetime.

 John K Clark

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