On 4/16/2019 6:42 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:
In the experientialist (Strawson-Goff-etc. "panpsychist" view): experiential qualia (EQ) exist in matter at some level on their own -- and EQ cannot be reduced to information (numbers).

So real "selfness" cannot be achieved in any "Gödel-Löb-etc." theorem prover running on the so-called conventional computer.

Now some future biological computers -- made via synthetic biology -- open new possibilities.

What makes them "biological"?  Do they have to be made of amino acids?  nuclei acids?  do they have to be powered by a phosphate cycle?  What makes one bunch of biological molecules conscious and another very similar bunch dead, or anesthesized?

The only coherent answer is that consciousness is realized by certain information processing...independent of the molecules instantiating the process.


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