Well, if consciousness is wholly indexical (the original word by Liebniz)  why 
not then have a mechanism for data transfer to another cosmos, to the clone, 
the nearest, closest, continuer? Yeah, this only confuses things, but it's an 
idea by the cell biologist Bob Lanza 20 years ago. Non-satisfying, and I can go 
ahead and invoke unicorns too. However, data preservation is kind of related to 
this via, computer science & cosmology (originally the black hole bet, tween 
Hawking & Susskind). 

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Thrift <cloudver...@gmail.com>
To: Everything List <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, Sep 15, 2019 1:39 am
Subject: Re: Why Consciousness Cannot Be Algorithmic

In Sabine Hossenfelder's post on Sean Carroll's Many Worlds book

someone raised conscious beings:
Martien  9:05 AM, September 12, 2019
One of the arguments of Philip Ball against the Many Worlds Interpretation is 
that he believes that the 'self' or 'soul' cannot branch of in different 
multiverses. This doesn't seem to be a good argument to me. Imagine one would 
be able to make a clone of me, kind of twin, in this world. Both versions of me 
would descent from me (Martien) and live on as Martien-a and Martien-b. An 
identicical history and memory upto a point in time, and hereafter they live 
their own lives. In principle the same could be argued for splittng universes. 
It is akin to speciation of life-forms. Maybe Ball's objection comes from a 
(religious) belief in a soul which can exist separate from a body, I don't know.
The link: 

Philip Thrift  5:05 AM, September 13, 2019
Actually, Philip Ball's article seems to suggest that MWI leads to 
consciousness being either immaterial or nonexistent (it is some sort of 
illusion, or confusion)...."And if consciousness — or mind, call it what you 
will — were somehow able to snake along just one path in the quantum 
multiverse, then we’d have to regard it as some nonphysical entity immune to 
the laws of (quantum) physics. For how can it do that when nothing else does?"
But some of the scientific sort are (when one examines closely their "theory") 
what Galen Strawson calls* "consciousness deniers", so MWI may be a type of 
consciousness denial - the denial that there one has a real 

Martien 10:18 AM, September 13, 2019
But why along just one path?

Philip Thrift 2:31 AM, September 14, 2019
Selves (unlike "basic" brains) are not considered (very much, if at all) by 
scientists as something to be part of scientific theories. So maybe there are 
(self-less) brains, being split every Planck-time second, and then each one 
independently going on doing what it does. But selves (self-full brains) doing 
that seems to me to create a nightmarish scenario of spit personalities.
Galen Strawson - What are Selves?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh0qASdSsNY

Martien  9:28 AM, September 14, 2019
Imagine God as creator of the multiverse having to send zillions copies of a 
deceased sinner to hell or purgatory, that is those who did nor repell their 
sins. Assuming of course that God and hell are not part of the splitting.

On Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 5:43:33 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:

On Sun, 15 Sep 2019 at 05:24, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com> wrote:

I really couldn't follow this paper - many worlds (of QM) vs. multiverse (of 
cosmology) seemed all mixed up.

The author essentially disagrees with the idea that a person can be copied, 
whatever the mechanism.

On Friday, September 13, 2019 at 9:45:10 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
This should be of interest to the list:

Refuting Strong AI: Why Consciousness Cannot Be Algorithmic
Andrew Knight

Cite as:    arXiv:1906.10177 [physics.hist-ph]
      (or arXiv:1906.10177v1 [physics.hist-ph] for this version)



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