On Monday, September 23, 2019 at 4:44:49 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
> On 9/23/2019 11:59 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:
> *But other quantum experts use decoherence to explain quantum phenomena 
> without invoking multiple universes.*
> "Without invoking" doesn't mean "denying".  If you're only interested in 
> saving the phenomenon you can explain the *apparent* collapse by 
> decoherence and not say anything about the other results that were 
> predicted.  Chris Fuchs explains quantum phenomenon without either collapse 
> or multiple universes.  
> Brent 

This is better?


Quantum Bayesianism, or QBism as Fuchs now calls it, solves many of quantum 
theory’s deepest mysteries. Take, for instance, the infamous “collapse of 
the wave function,” wherein the quantum system inexplicably transitions 
from multiple simultaneous states to a single actuality. According to 
QBism, *the wave function’s “collapse” is simply the observer updating his 
or her beliefs after making a measurement. *Spooky action at a distance, 
wherein one observer’s measurement of a particle right here collapses the 
wave function of a particle way over there, turns out not to be so 
spooky—the measurement here simply provides information that the observer 
can use to bet on the state of the distant particle, should she come into 
contact with it. But how, we might ask, does her measurement here affect 
the outcome of a measurement a second observer will make over there? In 
fact, it doesn’t. *Since the wavefunction doesn’t belong to the system 
itself, each observer has her own. *My wavefunction doesn’t have to align 
with yours.


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