On 11/20/2019 11:49 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:

On Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 12:59:32 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:

    On 11/19/2019 11:41 PM, Philip Thrift wrote:

    On Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 3:59:47 PM UTC-6, Brent wrote:

        On 11/19/2019 1:43 PM, Philip Thrift wrote:

         A diffraction pattern emerges in video recordings of
        single-photon double-slit experiments whether anyone sees
        the video or not. what changes is the image on the video
        frame-by-frame. If you take a video of a an arrow shot from
        a bow, it follows a parabolic curve, and what changes is its
        position frame-by-frame.

        So when your path integral formulation predicts various
        probabilities for position of photon absorptions by the video
        camera nothing has changed when positions are actualized in
        the recording.  All the same probabilities obtain.  Which is
        the MWI view.


    In the cases of *Quantum Measure Theory* (Rafael Sorkin), *Real
    Path Quantum Theory* (Adrain Kent), or -- in another type of
    formulation -- *Cellular Automaton Interpretation* [of Quantum
    Mechanics] (Gerard 't Hooft), I don't see what "change" means in
    your terms.

    Those methods assign probabilities (measures) to specific possible
    outcomes (measurements).  When one is observed, it is used as an
    initial condition for further predictions.  If it's not observed
    then further predictions are conditioned on all the possible
    outcomes.  That's a change.


Except in the theories -- QMT, RPQT -- themselves, nothing is observed (or needs to be observed), because /there are no observers/ ("alternative to the textbook formalism of state-vectors and external *observers*").t

And that's why they fail to predict observations.  But they do assign probabilities to specific events and they condition those on prior events or not.


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