On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 9:15 AM 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> On 3/4/2020 1:54 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 11:01 PM Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Probability derived from self-locating uncertainty is an idea independent
>> of any particular physics. It is also independent of any theory of
>> consciousness, since we can imagine a non-conscious observer reasoning in
>> the same way. To some people it seems trivially obvious, to others it seems
>> very strange. I don’t know if which group one falls into correlates with
>> any other beliefs or attitudes.
> As I said, self-locating uncertainty is just another idea imposed on the
> quantum formalism without any real theoretical foundation -- "it is just
> imposed by fiat on a deterministic theory." If nothing else, this shows
> that Carroll's claim that Everett is just "plain-vanilla" quantum
> mechanics, without any additional assumptions, is a load of self-deluded
> hogwash.
> Whether MWI is a satisfactory interpretation or not; do you have a
> preferred proposal for getting rid of the unobserved macroscopic states
> that are predicted by the formalism with a collapse postulate, e.g.
> gravitationally induced collapse, transactional interpretation, or what?

I do not think the problem is solved at the moment. Penrose's gravitational
induced collapse still lacks a dynamical mechanism for the collapse when
the gravitational superposition become unwieldy. Cramer's (Kastner's)
transactional interpretation introduces a whole new "possibility world",
and relies on the failed absorber theory of radiation. No-go there. Bohm is
the preferred option of many philosophers of QM, but I think Flash-GRW is
growing in plausibility. At least it does give an underlying stochastic
dynamics, so doesn't suffer the problems of introducing probability that
other approaches have.

It is still an open question, as far as I can see. The clear thing is that
Everett plainly fails to make any sense of probability when all outcomes
occur for any measurement.


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