On Sat, Aug 8, 2020 at 7:23 PM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *> I think you understand the difference between significant and
> statistically significant. *

If something is not statistically significant then there's no evidence
it is significant.
Period. The Human mind is just not very good at assessing probabilities, it's
easy to reach conclusions that seem intuitively obvious but are
nevertheless dead wrong, especially if the sample size is small, so it's
important to be mathematically rigorous in scientific papers.

*> The test size and methodology for this study left a lot to be desired.
> That is why, despite showing significant results, it was unable to attain
> statistical significance.*

Tests sizes are always finite and the results would always be better if the
test size was larger, but in this study for this drug the test size was the
largest there has ever been, so its results supersedes that of previous

> *> That means a large study is needed, not that we can conclude it does or
> doesn't work.*

Hydroxychloroquine has now become like ESP, regardless of how many tests
that indicate there's nothing there some will say we need to study it more,
a true believer will never EVER say "that's enough, I was wrong, let's move
on". But the difference is ESP belief may be silly but it doesn't kill
people, however every time you use finite resources for yet another study
of something that has already been studied to death you are NOT studying
other treatments that look far more promising and might actually work. And
that could kill people and probably already has.

*> You are falling back into doing politics, not science.*

Jason, politics is the one and only reason we're having this conversation
right now, if it wasn't for Donald J Trump and his inability to ever EVER
admit that he was wrong about anything, like touting a quack cure months
ago, nobody would even be talking about hydroxychloroquine anymore, and
scientists aren't, but politicians and Fox pundits certainly are and they
will never stop.

> *Look at the studies. I read the abstracts of all 65 of the studies that
> have been done.*

One large well performed study trumps 6.02*10^23 small poorly performed
ones; and the scientific community has made its decision and they've
decided that enough is enough and it's time to move on; but for the true
believer too much is never enough so they will NEVER say OK you've
convinced me it's time to do something else, they will ALWAYS say let's
study it again, and again, and again, and again. And meanwhile people
continue to die.

 John K Clark

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