On Fri, Jun 18, 2021, 2:37 PM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 2:46 PM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *>In your opinion who has offered the best theory of consciousness to
>> date, or who do you agree with most?*
> One consciousness theory is as good as another because there are no facts
> such a theory must fit. About all I can say is consciousness seems to be
> the way data feels when it is being processed but I have no idea why that
> is true, it may be meaningless to even ask "why' in this case because it's
> probably just a brute fact.  That's why I'm far more interested in
> intelligence theories than consciousness theories; there are ways to
> judge the quality of an intelligence theory but there's no way to do that
> with a consciousness theory.

Deepmind has succeeded in building general purposes learning algorithms.
Intelligence is mostly a solved problem, for at least almost all
capabilities of human intelligence. I wrote an article detailing this


But questions of consciousness are no less important nor less pressing:

- Is this uploaded brain conscious or a zombie?
- Can (bacterium, protists, plants, jellyfish, worms, clams, insects,
spiders, crabs, snakes, mice, apes, humans) suffer?
- Are these robot slaves conscious? Do they have likes or dislikes that we
- When does a developing human become conscious?
- Is that person in a coma or locked-in?
- Does this artificial retina/visual cortex provide the same visual
- Does this particular anesthetic block consciousness or merely memory

These questions remain unsettled due to the lack of a widely held and
established theory of consciousness. Answers to these questions would be
quite valuable, as we could take steps to reduce harm, and avoid
potentially zombifying our future civilization should we upload in a way
that doesn't preserve our conscious minds (if you believe such a thing is

If none of these questions interest you, perhaps this one will:

- Is consciousness inherent to any intelligent process?

I think the answer is yes, what do you think?


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