On Sun, 20 Jun 2021 at 05:48, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 11:36 AM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I'm enormously impressed with Deepmind and I'm an optimist regarding
>>> AI, but I'm not quite that optimistic.
>> *>Are you familiar with their Agent 57? -- a single algorithm that
>> mastered all 57 Atari games at a super human level, with no outside
>> direction, no specification of the rules, and whose only input was the "TV
>> screen" of the game.*
> As I've said, that is very impressive, but even more impressive would be
> winning a Nobel prize, or even just being able to diagnose that the problem
> with your old car is a broken fan belt, and be able to remove the bad
> belt and install a good one, but we're not quite there yet.
> *> Also, because of chaos, predicting the future to any degree of accuracy
>> requires exponentially more information about the system for each finite
>> amount of additional time to simulate, and this does not even factor in
>> quantum uncertainty,*
> And yet many times humans can make predictions that turn out to be better
> than random guessing, and a computer should be able to do at least as good,
> and I'm certain they will eventually.
> >  Being unable to predict the future isn't a good definition of the
>> singularity, because we already can't.
> Not true, often we can make very good predictions, but that will be
> impossible during the singularity
>  > *We are getting very close to that point. *
> Maybe, but even if the singularity won't happen for 1000 years 999 years
> from now it will still seem like a long way off because more progress will
> be made in that last year than the previous 999 combined. It's in the
> nature of exponential growth and that's why predictions are virtually
> impossible during that time, the tiniest uncertainty in initial condition
> gets magnified into a huge difference in final outcome.
> *> There may be valid logical arguments that disprove the consistency of
>> zombies. For example, can something "know without knowing?" It seems not.*
> Even if that's true I don't see how that would help me figure out if
> you're a zombie or not.
>> > So how does a zombie "know" where to place it's hand to catch a ball,
>> if it doesn't "knowing" what it sees?
> If catching a ball is your criteria for consciousness then computers are 
> already
> conscious, and you don't even need a supercomputer, you can make one in
> your own home for a few hundred dollars and some spare parts. Well maybe
> so, I always maintained that consciousness is easy but intelligence is
> hard.
> Moving hoop won't let you miss
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myO8fxhDRW0>
> *> For example, wee could rule out many theories and narrow down on those
>> that accept "organizational invariance" as Chalmers defines it. This is the
>> principle that if one entity is consciousness, and another entity is
>> organizationally and functionally equivalent, preserving all the parts and
>> relationships among its parts, then that second entity must be equivalently
>> conscious to the first.*
> Personally I think that principle sounds pretty reasonable, but I can't
> prove it's true and never will be able to.

Chalmers presents a proof of this in the form of a reductio ad absurdum.

>> I know I can suffer, can you?
>> *>I can tell you that I can.*
> So now I know you could generate the ASCII sequence "*I can tell you that
> I can*", but that doesn't answer my question, can you suffer? I don't
> even know if you and I mean the same thing by the word "suffer".
>> *> You could verify via functional brain scans that I wasn't
>> preprogrammed like an Eliza bot to say I can. You could trace the neural
>> firings in my brain to uncover the origin of my belief that I can suffer,
>> and I could do the same for you.*
> No I cannot. Theoretically I could trace the neural firings in your brain
> and figure out how they stimulated the muscles in your hand to type out "*I
> can tell you that I can*"  but that's all I can do. I can't see suffering
> or unhappiness on an MRI scan, although I may be able to trace the nerve
> impulses that stimulate your tear glands to become more active.
> *> Could a zombie write a book like Chalmers's "The Consciousness Mind"?*
> I don't think so because it takes intelligence to write a book and my
> axiom is that consciousness is the inevitable byproduct of intelligence. I
> can give reasons why I think the axiom is reasonable and probably true
> but it falls short of a proof, that's why it's an axiom.
>> *> Some have proposed writing philosophical texts on the philosophy of
>> mind as a kind of super-Turing test for establishing consciousness.*
> I think you could do much better than that because it only takes a minimal
> amount of intelligence to dream up a new consciousness theory, they're a
> dime a dozen, any one of them is as good, or as bad, as another. Good
> intelligence theories on the other hand are hard as hell to come up with
> but if you do find one you're likely to become the world's first
> trillionaire.
> *Wouldn't you prefer the anesthetic that knocks you out vs. the one that
>> only blocks memory formation? Wouldn't a theory of consciousness be
>> valuable here to establish which is which?*
> Such a theory would be utterly useless because there would be no way to
> tell if it was correct. If one consciousness theory says you were conscious
> and a rival theory says you were not there is no way to tell which one was
> right.
> *> You appear to operate according to a "mysterian" view of consciousness,
>> which is that we cannot ever know. *
> There is no mystery, I just operate in the certainty that there are only 2
> possibilities, a chain of "why" questions either goes on for infinity or
> the chain terminates in a brute fact.  In this case I think termination is
> more likely, so I think it's a brute fact consciousness is the way data
> feels when it is being processed.
> Of my own free will, I consciously decide to go to a restaurant.
> *Why? *
> Because I want to.
> *Why ? *
> Because I want to eat.
> *Why?*
> Because I'm hungry?
> *Why ?*
> Because lack of food triggered nerve impulses  in my stomach , my brain 
> interpreted
> these signals as pain, I can only stand so much before I try to
> stop it.
> *Why?*
> Because I don't like pain.
> *Why? *
> Because that's the way my brain is constructed.
> *Why?*
> Because my body  and the hardware of my brain were made from the
> information in my genetic code  (lets see, 6 billion base pairs 2 bits
> per base pair
> 8 bits per byte that comes out to about 1.5 gig, )  the programming of my
> brain came from the environment, add a little quantum randomness perhaps
> and of my own free will I consciously decide to go to a restaurant.
> *> You could have been a mysterian about how life reproduces itself or why
>> the stars shine, until a few hundred years ago, but you would have been
>> proven wrong. Why do you think these questions below are intractable?*
> Because there are objective experiments you can perform and things  you
> can observe that will give you information on how organisms reproduce
> themselves and how stars shine, but there is nothing comparable with regard
> to consciousness, there is no way to bridge the objective/subjective divide
> without making use of unproven and unprovable assumptions or axioms.
> That's why the field of consciousness research has not progressed one
> nanometer in the last century, or even the last millennium.
> >>I have no proof and never will have any, however I must assume that the
>>> above is true because I simply could not function if I really believed that
>>> solipsism was correct and I was the only conscious being in the
>>> universe. Therefore I take it as an axiom that intelligent behavior implies
>>> consciousness.
>> *> This itself is a theory of consciousness.*
> Yep, and it's just as good, and just as bad, as every other theory of
> consciousness.
> *> You must have some reason to believe it, even if you cannot yet prove
>> it.*
> I do. I know Darwinian Evolution produced me and I know for a fact that I
> am conscious, but Natural Selection can't see consciousness any better than
> we can directly see consciousness in other people, Evolution can only see
> intelligent behavior and it can't select for something it can't see. And
> yet Evolution managed to produce consciousness at least once and probably
> many billions of times. I therefore conclude that either Darwin was wrong
> or consciousness is an inevitable byproduct of intelligence. I don't think
> Darwin was wrong.
> John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis
> <https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis>
> vgj
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