On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 10:14 AM Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 4/27/2022 2:00 PM, smitra wrote:
> If you agree, and are prepared,
> with me, to throw out Everett, then we agree, and there is nothing
> more to be argued about (at least, until you present some different
> complete theory).
> I'm open to the idea that QM itself may only be an approximation to a more
> fundamental theory. The arguments in favor of no collapse are strong
> arguments but you then do get this issue with probability that you have
> discussed here. The disagreement with you about this is that I  don't see
> it as a fatal inconsistency that would prove the MWI to be wrong.
> Probabilities for the different branches do not have to be equal. But that
> doesn't mean that this looks to be a rather unnatural feature of the
> theory. This suggests that a more fundamental theory exists from which one
> could derive quantum mechanics with its formalism involving amplitudes and
> the Born rule as an approximation.
> If there are probabilities attached to the branches, then Gleason's
> theorem shows that the probabilities must satisfy the Born rule.  So I
> don't seen any inconsistency in simply saying they are probabilities of
> measurement results,  that's Copenhagen.  But if they are probabilities of
> results that implies that some things happen and others don't...other wise
> what does "probability" mean and what use is it as an empirical concept?

That is exactly right. If you try to claim that the probability of 'up' is
90% and the probability of 'down' is 10%, but that both results certainly
happen (albeit on different branches), then you are talking nonsensical
gibberish. That is why I say that Everett is incompatible with the Born


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