> > This has been talked about before on this list.  Yes, it is a known
> > issue, but I seem to remember that the solution requires some other work
> > to be done first.  My experience of the issue is that many of the
> > problems stem from looking up contacts on a remote service (so that Evo
> > can decide if it's going to try and display images from the network) -
> > it's not the LDAP code itself that's the problem, more the type of
> > traffic that LDAP generates.  So try enabling "Never load images from
> > the Internet" (you can always explicitly load them with Ctrl-I) to see
> > if it makes it any better.
> Wasn't load-images issues resolved in 3.8.x?  At least the issue
> relating the proxy servers [I thought the webkit message component fixed
> that].
Yeah, but Fedora 18 has Gnome 3.6 and hence Evo 3.6.4 (currently).


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