> And the whole idea is that as a support shop, your job is to 
> support. Has management told you to put limits? When the 
> email or file system was presented to them, did you say that 
> there were going to be limits.

No.  But I had no idea things would get the way they have.  I do have mailbox
management set to delete mail from the "deleted items" every seven days.
Looking at the recent run shows a few users who had over 10 megs of stuff in
there.  So users need more training.  Easier said than done.  So I had a
discussion with the CFO about this.  His analogy is that never emptying the
trash is like letting junk mail build up on your table until it breaks.  Do
people do this?  And if they want to then the decision will be made to not
spend the money on raises but on more computer hardware/software.

> Your job is to keep people from doing really stupid (not what 
> you think is stupid, I mean really stupid) things that impact 
> IT and then to respond to, or be proactive in creating 
> solutions to business problems. You have presented no cases 
> that justify any limits. You've actually presented some 
> pretty good cases for not having limits. Your company is 
> small, probably to get away from the large staffs and stay 
> innovative. This means that you really shouldn't be stifling 
> innovation, don't get in people's way, HELP them do their 
> job. If you see something that they are doing and there is a 
> better way, help them learn a better way. If they need to 
> store 2 GB in the mail server, let them. If they are keeping 
> a backup of their disk, then advise them that there are 
> better ways, but more importantly, make those better ways 
> available and very easy for them to use.

In a perfect world.  I only wish I had the time, resources and energy to do
what you say.  You are right that we want to stay innovative, but let me tell
you that there is as much stagnation as in a big company.  I am a scientist
(pharmacologist) by training and spent many years doing drug development
research.  Now I am a computer geek and I understand the importance of
computers as a tool for doing research.  I have been on both sides and still
am.  But computers like any scientific instrument require a certain amount of
maintenance etc.  Too often users feel computers are not like other tools and
need no maintenance/tuning.  As much as I try to make a case to management to
pay for more training, tools etc. they decide to spend money on other things,
even though we are a bioinformatics driven business.  So I have to do things
that help me maintain my sanity/life.  Sure I can tell management that "I
told you so" when things break but all they want to hear is how soon will it
be fixed.  So maybe I am just whining, and should just get over it.  So the
bottom line is it is OK to use exchange as a database and not worry about it.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Liddil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Posted At: Friday, July 05, 2002 4:43 PM
> Posted To: Microsoft Exchange
> Conversation: Unlimited Quotas
> Subject: RE: Unlimited Quotas
> I agree as long as there is money to support it.  But keep in 
> mind that having a large IS means that there is that much 
> more stuff for lawyers or the FDA (we do drug development) to 
> go after.  And if you are going to have an unlimited store it 
> ahs to be managed.  Those tools are not free.  I man IT shop 
> and unless I get an open ended budget I have to make some 
> decisions.  My request for journal/archive software is going 
> unanswered.  So all I can do is tell management that both 
> myself and our legal counsel made suggestions. Then I just do 
> my job.  And I imagine some of this is due to the fact I come 
> from having used a VAX account that had pretty strict limits 
> (I still use it. Either you managed it or it would lock you 
> out.  I know times have changed.
> Jim
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Woodrick, Ed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 2:32 PM
> > To: Exchange Discussions
> > Subject: RE: Unlimited Quotas
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Why do you pretend to be arrogant enough to be able to dictate the 
> > needs of others? You don't seem to have any business drivers to 
> > justify your actions. And who is to say that getting 
> additional disk 
> > drives for the user email storage isn't out of the question?
> > 
> > And as to storage, it has nothing to do with processor and RAM.
> > 
> > And most importantly, just because you don't restrict the users 
> > storage, doesn't mean that you will run out of space. That's 
> > absolutely hogwash, a justification of why many IT shops get such a 
> > bad reputation. Your job is to SUPPORT your users, not be a 
> dictator. 
> > In the whole scheme of things, a few thousand dollars for some disk 
> > space and maybe an upgrade in Exchange editions is petty cash.
> > 
> > 
> > The BUSINESS driver should not be an IT limit. Exchange
> > really is able to support most business drivers with little 
> > difficulty. In the limitation of storage, that should be 
> > completely dictated by you organizations Document Retention 
> > Policy, which should be dictated by the lawyers. And it 
> > shouldn't even be an IT function to enforce, even if you can. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: James Liddil [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Posted At: Friday, July 05, 2002 9:18 AM
> > Posted To: Microsoft Exchange
> > Conversation: Unlimited Quotas
> > Subject: Unlimited Quotas
> > 
> > 
> > I am being asked to justify why I have set quotas for users
> > on our E2K server with 25 users.  Things that come to mind 
> > are that if we give users unlimited stores, we will have to 
> > buy more disk space in time. Also we have a single processor 
> > server with 512 ram.  So I would make a WAG and say that we 
> > will be looking at a second processor and more RAM. I am 
> > already looking at more RAM since our server is paging quite 
> > a bit. And as we implement archiving and journaling this will 
> > impact disk space as well as the backup (time, number of 
> > tapes).  I also realize that allowing unlimited space leads 
> > to users never managing their e-mail.  
> > 
> > So besides these reasons are there any other reasons that I
> > should be thinking about?  Thanks.
> > 
> > Jim Liddil
> > 
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