Enter recursive discussion of why RBLs suck.

On 1/24/03 15:36, "Tony Hlabse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Interesting observation 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Scharff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: "Exchange Discussions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 3:49 PM 
Subject: Re: Using script to get header info 

> Does your script do reverse DNS lookups on the IP address as well so you 
> make sure you didn't just block a major business partner by IP because one

> of your users is clueless? 
> On 1/24/03 13:27, "Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Well, I wrestled with this for a few days, and this is what I've come up 
> with. It may not be pretty, but it works for my purposes. This is a VBA 
> macro in Outlook 2002. It prompts for a folder, then retrieves the IP 
> address of the originating server for each message in that folder, 
> the octets and writes it out to a file, for inclusion in a dns blacklist 
> file. 
> '****************************************** exported from Outlook 2002 ***

> Attribute VB_Name = "GetSpam" 
> ' 
> ' NOTE: Requires a reference to the Microsoft CDO 1.21 Library 
> ' 
> Sub ShowFolderInfo_Click() 
> '*** this is the string to search for in the message headers 
> '*** substitute your own "servername.domain" in the search string 
> strSMTPSearch = "]) by servername.domain with SMTP" 
> strSpamOutFile = "c:\spam.txt" 
> Set MyNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
> Set myFolder = MyNameSpace.PickFolder 
> If myFolder Is Nothing Then 
>  MsgBox "User pressed cancel.", vbInformation 
>  Exit Sub 
> End If 
> Set oSession = New MAPI.Session 
> oSession.Logon 
> Set oSpamFolder = oSession.GetFolder(myFolder.EntryID) 
> Set oMsgColl = oSpamFolder.Messages 
> If oMsgColl.Count > 0 Then 
>  outfile = FreeFile(0) 
>  Open strSpamOutFile For Output As #outfile 
>  For Each oMessage In oMsgColl 
>    oHeader = oMessage.Fields(&H7D001E) 
>    '^^^^^ this is the full header 
>    oHeader = Left(oHeader, InStr(oHeader, strSMTPSearch - 1) 
>    '^^^^^ this strips everything after the search string 
>    oHeader = Right(oHeader, Len(oHeader) - InStrRev(oHeader, "[")) 
>    '^^^^^ this gives us the offending IP address 
>    strOctet = Split(oHeader, ".") 
>    '^^^^^ this creates an array of the octets 
>    strBadMachine = strOctet(3) & "." & strOctet(2) & "." &_ 
>      strOctet(1) & "." & strOctet(0) &_ 
>      vbTab & vbTab & "A" & vbTab & "" 
>    '^^^^^ reverses the octets and builds the dns entry for blacklisting 
>    Write #outfile, strBadMachine 
>    '^^^^^ and then writes it out to the file 
>  Next 
>  Close outfile 
> End If 
> MsgBox "Finished!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "File is at " & strSpamOutFile 
> End Sub 

> *** 
> The WRITE statement puts double quotes around the string when it's 
> so I still have to load it in notepad and remove those (a simple replace 
> with nothing). Next I load it into Excel along with the existing blacklist

> entries, sort them and save them back out. 
> Today I processed 90 new messages in about 3 minutes. Yesterday, that same

> task would have taken an hour or more. 
> Regards, 
> Mike 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Ken Cornetet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:31 PM 
> To: Exchange Maillist 
> Subject: RE: Using script to get header info 
> Hmmm, I've been wrestling with CDO as of late, and your question piqued my

> interest. See 
> http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;en-us;q194870 for code. 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:03 PM 
> To: Exchange Discussions 
> Subject: Using script to get header info 
> Hi folks, 
> I created a public folder and asked several of our users to move their 
> into it. From there, I can open the messages, view the headers, pluck the 
> addresses of the offending mail servers, and add them to our internal dns 
> blacklist. 
> Works like a charm, but it's very labor-intensive. 
> I wrote some vbscript code that examines all the messages in the folder, 
> returns things like Sender, Subject, etc., all of which are basically 
> useless to me in this case, but the practice was good. There doesn't seem 
> be any property that will return the header info, no? I don't have a good 
> reference book handy, but searching through the online MSDN library was 
> helpful. 
> Now it looks like maybe ADO/CDOEX might be the way to go. Does anyone have

> any sample code that might give me some pointers? This doesn't have to be 
> fandy or polished. If I can retrieve the headers, I can parse through them

> and find the right "received by" line, and pull the address from that line

> and output it to the screen. I'd greatly appreciate any pointers at all, 
> it a web page, KB article, book, etc. 
> Thanks, 
> Mike 
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